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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. That would be pretty sweet Fonzie. Born in Bryan Ohio, he lives in Napoleon Ohio. I have no idea where that is. Just hope he would be a better rider, than NASCAR driver. Seems pretty laid back.
  2. Sad sad news. Thoughts be with her friends and family.
  3. Chalk one up here too. One of the women at the office was talking about it today at lunch. It could be the new mach 12 stealth plane the Air Force is developing. I was watching the Discovery channel about area 51. Supposedly this jet can make it from Area 51 to New York in 10 minutes. Aurora I think was the name of it.
  4. Cdubyah

    Skyline Fan?

    Why do you think they call them sliders?
  5. Shit, I would be missing an ear, and prolly my bottom lip if I tried a straight razor.
  6. Welcome....it don't matter what you ride. Just that you ride.
  7. Do you know how out of place we would look???
  8. Yeah that was rather interesting.....
  9. He has stage fright. Unless he has booze in him.
  10. Cdubyah

    Skyline Fan?

    It's ok. Used to go there alot when I was in school. It's not something I could eat that often though.
  11. Welcome aboard. Always nice to have another crusier rider.
  12. Alright moose, since no one voted for ya, and I can't vote again, I'm gonna throw my 2nd vote out there for ya. Sure, it's fake and make believe, like a porn star knockin on your door naked, and showing you a good time. But it should count for something. Amatuer porn....
  13. Here,it's around 8:00 or so, the hip-hop hour. The DJ is ass. What is really fun to listen to, is the hot debate in the morning with the DJ. It's basically the DJ trying to talk to callers about different issues, or topics. Normally he just ends up talking to old people or himself for an hour.
  14. There is a Bbar in Millersburg called Bags Sports Bar. Last I recall around 75 different choices of brew. The beer list was longer than the menu. There were several micro brews I tried this past year. Cup o Joe - coffee flavored, smooth but bitter aftertaste Nitro Extra Russian Stout - this was mighty tasty Leghumper - Kosmo beat me to it. Usually only get to try these when I'm outta town. Being as Crowtown only carries Budweiser, Bud Lidght, Miller Lite, and Busch Lite. Silly Rednecks.
  15. Cdubyah


    No spoilers. I might see it this weekend.
  16. This weekend isn't good for me.
  17. Dumped it in the gravel driveway returning from my first ride. Going bout 5 mph. Embarrassing yes, but a learning moment.
  18. Yep, even though we didn't get there till late.
  19. Whoops....dumbass moment. Sorry. I saw swingarm in two threads. Chalk it up to my upbringins. I would help to read the entirethread title first. Sorry again.
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