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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. There is a place for logic, it can be found no where on the interwebz
  2. Good to see you outside of Buddy's Matt. Was a wicked sweet crowd by the time I showed up! Thanks for my tshirt Ben.
  3. You can take those comments to the super secret sexual dungeon sub-forum.
  4. Thank you. Thats what I'm looking for
  5. Perhaps I should have titled this thread Titties and Beer...
  6. I'm looking to print out invitations, RSVP, and Info cards for my wedding. We had found a place in Rochester, NY that we thought could do the job, but have been pretty disappointed thus far. They can't seem to get what we sent them centered and straight. We made the design on our own, just need to make mass qauntities. Things I'm looking for. Rounded edges Linen 100# or 110# cardstock Color both sides Centered and straight I've looked at Kinkos, they are a bit expensive @ $2.50/invite for a 5x7. I don't have a quality home printer for the job either, for all you smartasses that suggest that option. Thank you
  7. Happy Birthday fella
  8. Ross is a welder IIRC
  9. Send a PM to Max Power. I know he has been looking for a camper. Not sure if he's got one yet or not.
  10. I think sidewalk chalk would work well for organizing groups. Write the pace, and draw a line. Done. On that note, I would like to thank my group For a great day of riding. Medium pace was excellent, even for the fat pig I was riding. I apologize if my headlight wasn't always in your mirrors. Definitely a fine group of riders. I'm sure Jst2fst got some sweet pictures of my ass on the ride too. :D Mykill- our lead Fizzer DreaminR1 Guy riding zx10 I didn't catch his name Revelstoker Jst2fst Bad34271810038911 - Our sweep and MJ when she joined us for 10 minutes.
  11. should have bought something without chrome and leather
  12. I can lead or sweep another slow group if needed. I would be more comfy in the sweep. I'm not comfortable setting a pace for others, as I can do both spirited and slow. And we would probably get lost, as has been known to happen when I'm out front.
  13. There's a nut to butt joke here somewhere...
  14. You get the 1.5 or 1.75 ?
  15. Last ride I went through Nessonville was late September. The speedway was actually on the NW side of 78. It appeared to be a newer station, so they might have moved it. Meaning we would actually need to ride past 78 and doubleback. That light on 78/33 is usually pretty damn congested as well.
  16. First week in the books. Keep up the good work.
  17. I could do either. I've actually ridin more on the 2nd route. You're humpin the monkey, I'm just holdin the tail.
  18. Quit on 11/8/2010 cold turkey. It was a bitch. I was also very, very angry. I yelled at the steering wheel alot. It was actually quite theraputic. I played video games, and got fatter. I relapsed the weekend of Kawi Kid's bachelor party, but haven't looked back since. I should also mention that I was only a smoker for 6 years. Find a goal and work towards it. Mine was using the money I used to buy smokes to buy an engagement ring. It was enough apparently. Good luck!
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