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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. Me +1 Kawi Kid +1 We might have 2 more coming, but are unsure yet.
  2. Some members of my family drive me absolutely bat shit crazy. So I'm gonna say food. Dad used to make prime rib every year. nom nom nom
  3. The Mossy Oak tuxedo. You can rent them just like any other tux. I've seen them leaving the locale tuxedo rental place. http://images.brightcoloredtuxedos.com/mossy-oak-alpine-tuxedo.jpg
  4. contra was the devil On a side note, I grabbed the MegaMan 2 theme this morning another side note, 8 bit sound is a bit choppy once I cut it down to a ring tone. Maybe it was just what I selected. I will be trying more this afternoon.
  5. Destroy I doubt, cosindering they have been playing like crap. Hopefully it will be a good game.
  6. Cdubyah

    COD Black Ops

    To stay alive, and kill as many zombies as possible.
  7. Cdubyah

    COD Black Ops

    Finished the campaign on Thursday. The end was not as difficult as I expected. Overall, a pretty sweet storyline. I actually like this story better. As for the online play....it's not terrible...it's not grand. I do like some new features that they built into it. I still dislike Treyarch.
  8. I can name one agency in the state that still uses Novell... sadly the one I work for
  9. Cdubyah

    Nerds in love

    Jonny and Red = Ben and Carie! Ben just decided to let the cat out of the bag.
  10. Fido on netflix. Funny and intriguing.
  11. Use your knife on the first couple of rounds. It will give you more points than killing with a weapon. That way you can open new doors, and get better weapons. Speaking of that, pump action shotgun! Also, when you start opening new areas, you have to remember to circle back and close up the boards. If you forget you'll have super waves. Best way to do that is to leave a slow walker, and just run from him. This is easier after you have opened up all of the areas. Until you kill him, you don't have to move to the next level. Just be careful, they are freaking sneaky. You can also shoot and repair at the same time. It just takes a little finess.
  12. Cdubyah


    Bag phone users... :nono: Come into the 21st century buddy:D
  13. Wow... places I never want to visit, New Jersey. Guns laws and Snooki, nuff said.
  14. Some of the comments on the article are terrible. People have no tact. Good article Cypress.
  15. I completely agree with your first statement. I really don't want them tampering with the law. As it could hang me the "law abiding" citizen out to dry, if they were to reform it. However, I don't like some ass bag using it as his defense. I realize that is what a Defense Attorney is for, to get your less than abiding citizens off with a slap on the wrist. Just don't want them to screw me over in the process.
  16. "If you touch my junk I'm gonna have you arrested"
  17. http://www.coshoctontribune.com/article/20101115/NEWS01/11150306/Prosecutors-defense-at-odds-about-home-defense-law In a way I agree, in a way I disagree. What are your thoughts?
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