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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. looks like they need to pick up Hooked on Phonics.
  2. Need to convert a 3G2 video (cell phone), to WMV. Any suggestions for a free converting program that I can use?
  3. Excellent way to dry the armpits on the hots summer days!
  4. Gonna take a long shot and say that's CleavetheGreat's bike.
  5. well...well... well.... I posted on your mom I'm kidding of course
  6. Cdubyah

    COD Black Ops

    I hate to build the hype since Treyarch is making it. COD WaW was ok, but nothing to write home about. Trying to beat that on veteran about drove me crazy. Really the only interesting thing to come from that was the zombies. That will be all that it is known for in a couple of years. Former execs at Infinity Ward (CODMW, CODMW2) started another company called Respawn. There is alot of side changing going on between activision, and EA. It will be interesting to see the next round of between the two. I'm not a fan boy of either, they both make respectable games.
  7. Lets go Pens! How I miss trips to the igloo, glorious times for sure.
  8. silly me, I got rid of ODST before I knew you needed it for the beta
  9. We love you Italian whores too buddy. It's all in good fun vintage rider. No worries.
  10. Cdubyah

    HBD Max Power

    Happy birthday. Don't break a hip celebrating.
  11. Yeah going with the girlfriend. There are a couple other folks on the fence right now that want to go as well.
  12. Ahh sorry. What exactly were you looking for there???
  13. wow, remind me to look both ways before driving through Springfield.
  14. Haha, I doubt the girlfriend would be happy with me then.
  15. Trip will be 5 nights, Sunday to Friday. Trying to avoid the weekend to keep the cost down. Planning to do the tourist type thing, see the sites and shows. Not really up for a lot of gambling or heavy drinking. The bunny ranch is out, so are the boobie bars. Just looking for some nice places to enjoy and relax.
  16. Thanks yota, I've never been either, I'm pretty stoked.
  17. Need some opinions Planning the trip for October. What would you suggest for an airline? How bout a hotel? Right now I'm looking at New York New York. Prices seem pretty good. Who do you normally book through? AAA? Expedia? or something else? Oh yeah, if you have any suggestions on shit to do, other than gamble, I'm all ears. I'm looking at renting a bike while we're out there too. Thanks!
  18. Procrastination is like masturbation... It's fun until you realize your just fuckin yourself.
  19. I live four blocks or so away from my office. So I just go home.
  20. I need time away from the crazies, so I don't pack. But I don't go purchase lunch everyday either.
  21. Top gear needs to do a performance review...
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