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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. Just be glad it didn't take a shit on you as it glanced by. I fucking hate birds...
  2. yut...ugh!!! Lots of squids round here today. Saw one guy with a leather jacket, gloves and boots, but no helmet.
  3. I like that they brought back crash. I like the new maps thus far.
  4. Didn't run into to many non-believers last night.
  5. Next you'll be calling in sick for tennis elbow
  6. Google Translate for Animals http://www.google.co.uk/intl/en/landing/translateforanimals/
  7. Cdubyah

    Study guides

    Gotta take an assessment test on Tuesday for a new job I'm applying for. I don't want to bomb the damn thing, so I'm trying to study up. I will be in Columbus this weekend, so I can pick it up. The test is focused around MCSA, MCSE, and MCDST. So if you have any study guides that I could borrow for the weekend, that would be grand! Thanks!
  8. What this really means, is that we will never actually see that dude.
  9. Yeah, with our size to small grape smugglers, and neon blue futons
  10. This is getting absurd, every time I hear the name of that stupid church it pisses me off.
  11. shoulder cannon headlight is pretty nifty. Although I agree with the angry vagina comment.
  12. damn kids.... No need to drudge up the past, these are happier times. Let it go
  13. www.mydroidworld.com 2.1 update for the Eris, might have to look over it when I get home from work.
  14. Should have listened to me the first time.
  15. I think what he means is that the processor on the eris is slower. Which I would agree with. That in turn will cause some issues down the road, it you don't maintain it right.
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