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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. Swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket and reflected the light from Venus.
  2. Learn to live with that... its common in the workplace. It's still annoying as hell.
  3. There was some pretty pricey shit on that table. Well worth a $275 ticket.
  4. I would send a PM to Casper or CBRgirl if you want an old design shirt.
  5. I'm thoroughly corn-fused by this thread.
  6. Two wheels, three wheels, hell even some bring four wheels *cough* Magley *cough* Welcome!
  7. They make a decal remover spray. Worked pretty good on the windows. Not sure about paint though.
  8. I miss Columbus during the spring...
  9. To much shit to get done so no ride for me.
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