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Everything posted by conn-e-rot

  1. I don't think the business owners should have a right to post no guns once they open their property as a business that's open to the public I think they should lose the option of posting.... but that's just my belief and I don't see that ever happening. On another note.... I work in Pennsylvania and there used to be a lot of no guns signs up in PA several years ago now you rarely see them I can not remember the last time I saw a sign in PA and restaurant/bar carry has been legal in PA all along.
  2. PBS show Guns and Pubs airs tonight http://westernreservepublicmedia.org/gunsnpubs.htm
  3. I think his point was if he had left his gun in the car they would have got it.
  4. If you are truly that naive I sincerely feel sorry for you and your family.
  5. Just hope your never in a restaurant when some scum bag comes in and robs the place or worse yet shoots your wife or kid in front of you and you are sitting there helpless because you weren't a "friggin baby" and went to a restaurant that didn't allow you to carry.
  6. If they are going to have armed security I will leave my gun in the car otherwise they aren't getting my money.
  7. Guy I work with just got a call to go test for OSHP academy
  8. I've been getting both mags free for at least 3 years
  9. It's only money Obama will print more
  10. Yes the Bimota bikes are amazing according to the show I saw they build your bike and hand deliver it to your house
  11. His bandana probably slid down over his eyes
  12. He means when we were all lined up to leave DQ wondering who the hell would drop their bike at the beginning of the ride.
  13. Hope you had a good time.... Me and Doc found that storm right after we split off from you
  14. I saw one running around here last winter with plates on it
  15. You might get away with it if they are protesting some poor soldiers funeral but that's not the case this time.
  16. Just be glad it was that light 600 and not a big couch like mine
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