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Everything posted by conn-e-rot

  1. Bad ground on power commander will allow the bike to turn over but will not fire even with the harness unplugged... at least it did when I hooked mine up then i double checked my instructions and noticed the ground was on the wrong bolt.
  2. ...just what we needed another Busa... j/k Welcome hope you enjoy
  3. conn-e-rot

    5/23 ride

    I'll be there as long as its over 45 and not raining
  4. 82 isn't exactly the biggest thrill but it beats the slab. It's got some hills and curves
  5. You could run 82 into Sharon then take 18 up to 322 and on into Meadville.
  6. conn-e-rot

    5/23 ride

    Sounds like a plan and maybe we can get some more people to join in this one.
  7. conn-e-rot

    5/23 ride

    Yes that is the map you made. Sounds good to me we can save this for another weekend.
  8. conn-e-rot

    5/23 ride

    Here is what were looking at http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Liberty+St%2FPA-58&daddr=Creek+Rd+to:Lake+Rd%2FPA-258%2FRte-258+to:S+Lake+Rd%2FPA-258%2FRte-258+to:Franklin+Rd%2FUS-62+to:Franklin+St%2FUS-62+to:Old+Creek+Rd+to:Kimble+Hill+Rd+to:Main+St%2FUS-62+to:Allegheny+Blvd%2FPA-8%2FUS-62+to:Elm+St%2FUS-62+to:PA-666+to:PA-666+to:PA-321%2FRte-321+to:Kinzua+Dr%2FPA-59+to:Jackson+Run+Rd%2FPA-69+to:PA-957+to:Grand+Army+of+the+Republic+Hwy%2FRte-6%2FUS-6+to:41.942664,-80.463095&geocode=FegAeQIdHLQ0-w%3BFaiFdgId6wk2-w%3BFSiZdQId48w2-w%3BFbA1dQIdJng3-w%3BFeU1dQIdGK03-w%3BFb75dgIdsyc6-w%3BFRG2dgIdjj87-w%3BFba9dgIdIsE7-w%3BFREddwIdpkg8-w%3BFfbGdwId9k0--w%3BFWpCeQIdnptD-w%3BFZaNegIdck1F-w%3BFd7gewIdMPBJ-w%3BFYAGfAIdcHRN-w%3BFYygfgIdBl9L-w%3BFUhZfwIddyFH-w%3BFY07gAIdPylE-w%3BFYT9fgIdaOI7-w%3B&hl=en&mra=mi&mrcr=16&mrsp=18&sz=12&via=7&sll=41.92808,-80.458031&sspn=0.134354,0.245476&ie=UTF8&ll=41.72623,-79.606934&spn=2.156433,3.927612&t=h&z=8 anyone interested?
  9. Last year I think I got about 3 or 4k so far this year I've got about 2600 so we shall see at the end of the season
  10. Looks good to me.... Now we just need to decide on a meeting place and time and find out who all is going to go. Looks like anyone from Ashtabula county going could just meet at 322 and 7.
  11. conn-e-rot

    IMG00063 (Small)

    From the album: My bikes

  12. conn-e-rot

    IMG00062 (Small)

    From the album: My bikes

  13. I've been contemplating heading east again and hitting 666
  14. The weather is looking nice for the entire weekend I'm hoping to get some people together for a group ride anyone available?
  15. conn-e-rot


    I've started a "Social Group" so those of us in the Northeast can get together and coordinate some rides. Feel free to join
  16. conn-e-rot ninja has created a new social group called "Northeast Riders", with the following description: To join this group visit the social groups homepage where this new group will be listed.
  17. Scratch that idea I'm not going to be able to make this one we have family stuff going on I did realize it was Memorial Day weekend.
  18. wow that would be tight but I maybe able to swing it. If not then I'll have to setup an appointment with you for another time.
  19. Hey Brian what would be the chances of getting a custom map for my bike at this event?
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