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Everything posted by conn-e-rot

  1. ooops just noticed this was a Columbus thread my bad
  2. Had to help move scooters yesterday and it was a whopping 18 degrees. I figured riding a pink 50cc scooter I needed to have a "Choppers Till You Die" vest on.
  3. Cuz Ninjas are the shiznit
  4. If you have a tractor supply near you I'd check there I'm pretty sure they had some cheaper then that
  5. I have breast fed while she was driving.... Oh wait I wasn't actually feeding so doesn't count.
  6. Tractor supply sells the ramp ends for about $15 then you just buy the board and cu to length
  7. Whoa what the hell kind of family reunions do you have
  8. Nah don't worry about them cutting your leg off not gonna happen the worst that would happen is they remove a nut.
  9. conn-e-rot

    More HD BS

    I don't hate Harley riders or the bikes but I personally would never buy one. I have seen a lot of really nice custom ones and personally I think the custom HD's look better then 90% of the custom sport bikes. What I can't stand is the dumbass Harley riders that think HD is the one and only bike company and all others companies are shit. I'll ride with anyone regardless of what they ride.
  10. Sportsters Suck Ass.... There is no way I would give up the Honda for a Sportster they are way too top heavy, ride like shit, handle like shit, oh and have that horrible HD engineering. Do yourself a favor and steer clear of the Hardley shit. You would be much happier with doing some upgrades to your Honda or looking for a bigger one. I know several people with newer Harldeys that are regretting the purchase and some others that traded their Hardley in for a "Jap" cruiser and are much happier. If you really truly do want a Hardley do yourself a favor and buy something other than a Sportster.
  11. Oh shit the busa boys are taking over
  12. conn-e-rot

    More HD BS

    So umm you don't like HD?
  13. conn-e-rot

    More HD BS

    Wow I never noticed the similarities.
  14. conn-e-rot

    More HD BS

    LOL... I was just bustin balls.... the vrod is actually pretty sweet and the fact that 99% of the Hardley Dickheads hate it make it even sweeter
  15. conn-e-rot

    More HD BS

    Slightly similar looks maybe but no Suzuki could ever be a copy of a Hardley their engineers know all about the current technology.
  16. Hopefully the weather will be good for riding and not raining everyday that just makes it miserable.
  17. Progressive wanted $2100 and I had been with them since 2000 and have a spotless record
  18. Sounds good to me we will have to meet up when the weather breaks
  19. I'm paying $42/mnth with $50 deductibles from Geico
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