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Everything posted by conn-e-rot

  1. Wow that's amateur lightweight shit there
  2. I am very disappointed in you guys I went to bed expecting to wake up to awesome bewbies in this thread. AND NOT MORE MOOBS SCRUIT!!!!
  3. Wouldn't it suck if all his "brothers" took offense to you bashing his name on a public forum and made it a point to make sure you follow every single traffic law to a T every time you leave your house? In case you don't know LEO's are all one big family they look out for one another and don't take kindly to people going after one of their own... It is one thing to get upset and rant but in the future keeping the names to yourself might be advisable..... tread lightly my friend
  4. I know it's all in fun as does she so what business is it of yours or anyone else?
  5. I would say that people should learn to refrain from throwing out names (especially a LEO that was only doing his job) with almost 8,000 members there is a good chance someone might know the person or that person may be a member or find the post while browsing the web.
  6. I think you're the one that hasn't got the picture yet....
  7. Hang in there ninjachic you are fitting in good ignore the haters
  8. She looks kind of tall for the midget man
  9. and we're only at the beginning of winter
  10. Bad has to take time out to eat all those burritos
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