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Everything posted by conn-e-rot

  1. you need more than 3oz of sea foam should use 1oz per gallon for stabilizing
  2. FWIW .....Just heard on the Cleveland news that DeWine has stated he is in favor of arming school staff
  3. Just like the Chardon shooter they decide to charge him as an adult and out comes the insanity plea all of the sudden he suffers from hallucinations, psychosis and fantasies bullshit fry that little fucker and the scumbag attorneys that agree to represent him.
  4. No the public should be outraged that companies like walmart even exist in the USA
  5. Some where I saw mention of an app like this before and after the impact you have so much time I think it was 1 minute to hit a button or the alerts went out.
  6. Another plus I see to hiring combat vets is they are less likely to hesitate to pull the trigger than your average teacher if need be.
  7. I only mentioned $20k because someone else brought up that figure
  8. We have thousands of soldiers returning and not being able to find jobs the government should be helping them out before they help any other country period.
  9. While were at it we should ban all movies that aren't "G" rated oh and ban all cable channels and only allow PBS to broadcast. Oh and don't forget to ban the radio shows.
  10. I would be willing to bet that you could find a lot of out of work vets that would happily take the job for $20k after all $20k is more than $0 and would be qualified on the weapons. Or if Washington is so worried about school safety then cut some of the bullshit foreign aid and give schools money to hire and/or train and give vets top priority when hiring.
  11. No one knows where those guns were stored for certain but him and her oh maybe the brother knows. News reports indicated the brother was the shooter. News reports indicated he didn't use the AR15 then said he did. News reports indicated the mother was killed in the school then they weren't sure then she was killed in the house. News reports said he killed his brother and girl friend... fuck the news reports
  12. I'd be willing to bet more than half the people that quote that would be at the front of the line to turn their guns in if a ban ever did happen. Too bad mine all fell of the boat when it hit that iceberg last winter.
  13. And how would any of your suggestions other than armed teachers have stopped the Connecticut shooting? The guns were all legally purchased and owned by his mother he killed her and stole her legal guns. It's not your fault or my fault or glock's fault that he killed his mother and stole her legal guns. He planned this out it was going to happen the only thing that would have stopped him was a bullet.
  14. How about the government worries about fixing the economy and getting this country out of debt and leaves my fucking guns alone.
  15. If they allowed the teachers to carry, why would the students need to know which ones did and which ones didn't? IMHO it would defeat the purpose to have the teachers openly carrying in school keep it concealed so no one knows for sure who has a gun and who doesn't.
  16. conn-e-rot

    Ruger LC9

    I think your best bet for a pocket carry 9 is the db9 that thing is tiny
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