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Everything posted by conn-e-rot

  1. My guess is someone hit on ninjachick and got shot down and now he's butt hurt
  2. Is your life really that miserable that you have nothing better to do than whine about what other people post? Get over it we are on here to have fun.
  3. We have some idiots down the road with an older female pit that gets loose all the time people in the neighborhood freak out and she is just a big baby looking for someone to give her attention and play with her.
  4. What I'd like to know is if Ohio did away with the stupid vicious breed law then how can State Farm tell me they won't insure me because I have an american bulldog(actually the lady said any bulldog I said so my 18lb French bulldog would disqualify me too and she said yes any bulldog)?
  5. That is the thinking that gets people in trouble (mugged, robbed, car jacked, stabbed, shot, ass raped, rolled, ganked) in Detroit
  6. Buy guns lots of guns and kevlar vests before you move to Detroit
  7. This is why you should have no conscience
  8. There was a bill in the works that would make it illegal for companies to forbid employees from leaving gun in their car but I'm not sure if it has passed yet.
  9. It sucks that they did this but I'm sure he was aware of the policy and just like anything else you shouldn't break the rules if you can't accept the consequences.
  10. I hope no one from your company browses the web
  11. If you own home and insurance ever asks he is a mutt don't mention any bull breed they don't like them
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