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Everything posted by conn-e-rot

  1. If they were sent specifically to his address they had every right to look in those cars. They have to protect themselves and for all they know there could be someone in one of those cars. If they weren't sent specifically to his address then they shouldn't have been in the driveway looking in the cars but they didn't harass anyone. Maybe there has been some vehicle break-ins recently. If someone knows how to use a slim-jim properly you can be in the car in seconds toss the vehicle grab the goodies and close it all back up looking in the window they would see if the car had been tossed.
  2. With all the good stuff you post online that you have bought I would be happy knowing the cops are in your area.
  3. They may have seen it as doing your neighborhood a service by making sure the cars were secure and had not been tampered with while they were there.
  4. My kids know that as long as they don't start it they can finish it and they will not be punished at home. Send your kid back to school and tell him to fight back taking him out is going to make kids pick on him even more.
  5. Don't let your kid get bullied make sure he knows he is allowed to defend himself but he is not to be the one starting it and that you will not punish him for defending himself or siblings. As far as the school not doing anything you have given them the opportunity to correct the problem I agree with Tonik call the media.
  6. http://www.amazon.com/Patriot-Class-Flash-Memory-PSF32GSDHC10/dp/B002TABU5I/ref=pd_sim_auto_76
  7. I was there for a few hours Saturday afternoon another $230 disappeared from my wallet damn you iron pony
  8. conn-e-rot


    my buddy hit a small bird a couple years ago it slammed his tank and exploded... and a few years ago I had a buzzard almost take me off my bike I had hang off the side to miss it my buddy was behind me and said I barely missed it
  9. conn-e-rot


    I use turtle wax ice Does meguiars or mothers make a wax that won't leave white residue on the flat black parts like some car mirrors or bumper trim?
  10. My little yaris gets about 39-42mpg my explorer about 17-20mpg bike gets about 38mpg if I'm cruising looks like the explorer will be parked a lot more this summer
  11. A few weeks ago I saw a chart showing prices in Europe and I think The Netherlands was the highest at $9+/gal
  12. I saw that one just wasn't sure of the reliability of them
  13. Because if she doesn't ride it then it will sit and I'll get stuck trying to unload it.... sorry I've ridden scooters before and just not my thing I have no desire to ride one.
  14. For a starter one cheap cheap cheap because I have a feeling she'll ride a couple times and decide she doesn't like it. Top speed about 50mph or so. She sat on a couple kymco and a suzuki burgman and i think it was a vino she liked the burgman size I'm just afraid it would be too much for her starting out.
  15. I meant do any of the good ones sell cheap used
  16. conn-e-rot


    The wife is thinking about a scooter... is there a good one that can be found cheap in case she decides she doesn't want to ride it? Are the Roketa scooters any good?
  17. my droid razr maxx never freezes and battery lasts me 3+ days and yes 4g rocks in Erie
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