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Everything posted by Mandova

  1. This is soooo cute. Watch how adorable this little guy is. http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=30903178
  2. Yep, Gorgeous! I'd never spend $ like that, but if I could this is one of 3 that would be on my list. I don't think I could even ride it. It's just plain awesome. From the website....here are the updated features: New decals and color schemes Smoked screen from the F4 CC Smaller exhaust tail pipes with the end piece cross section resembling a “slice of salami” New suspension calibration Sachs steering damper from the F4 CC Brembo monoblock (one-piece) brakes 1,078cc engine Slipper clutch New close ratio gearbox This is why the F4 RR 312 now has updated suspension calibration. The search for perfect balance has dictated that the forks and monoshock shock absorber behave differently to deal with the new power output. The components are the same as on the R 312: Enormous 50 mm Marzocchi front forks and a Sachs “monoshock” at the rear as with the new steering damper inherited from the F4 CC. These are professional components that have been prepared with infinitesimal precision and attention to detail so as offer a taste of what riding a race machine is really all about. The carbon nitride treated forks, apart from their aggressive, original color, improve sliding characteristics within the legs on the forks. Travel has been increased by 1 mm and is now 130 mm. To underline the race-bred nature of this bike, the monoshock is fitted with a hydraulic spring preload adjuster that can be easily and quickly reset with an Allen key. The hydraulic compression has two possible ranges of adjustment, one for high and the other for low speeds. These improve the behavior at the rear under heavy compression and when the rider encounters frequent changes in the road surface.
  3. How about, "ready enough to race"? IPapa, you rode one?? You are spoiled.
  4. Really Good! I would pass on being a spotter ontop of those high blocks. "hello!"
  5. http://www.mvagusta.com/tools/minif4_312/main_eng.html Oh so sweet. They sound like baby ferrari's.
  6. Merry X-mas means : A. You're freaking lazy and can't write the word christ cause it's too hard. B. You're material and greedy like most Americans so you would rather X-out christ and just collect the goodies. C. You think it's some cool slang. No reason behind it at all.
  7. I will admit I've not seen all of this before. I cannot judge a man for having a change of heart or mind. Let God be the judge in all things. I change my mind everyday, although I strive to do so only based on truth. (it be hard to find) I bet this kind of flip-flop can be dug-up on just about any gov. official. Hu?
  8. I am not too sure that the LEO I talked to was all concerned with the security of his job as much as he was with the safety of his loved ones and family. Yeah, his paycheck is very important to him, but I believe he was truely talking about the security of the public and places of risk in the country. Clinton's admin was responsible for opening free trade with China, correct? I can't tell you why Bush hasn't been able to eliminate the threats entirely, but I think you explained that pretty good in your response. I also agree with your statement about stopping bombs and bullets. The most powerful men in the world can't stop them and the road that lies ahead for Obama is going to be a truth teller for diplomacy. Congress isn't working properly. Democrat or Republican majority isn't the answer. A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand.
  9. Today is my Birthday! God made me 24 yrs and 9 months ago. Happy Birthday to everyone so we don't hurt feelings;)
  10. Deep breath man......take a deep breath. Quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to become angry. A soft answer turns away wrath. Think of the word "holiday" as meaning "Holy Day". Have a happy holy day! Merry Christ-mas......the Christ's birthday. Technical wording shouldn't pick your pocket or break your leg.....as Jefferson would say. Don't worry be happy.
  11. I can't see that Bush is solely responsible for the failure we are presently in. A highly respectable LEO has told me that this nation would have been in a drastic amount of turmoil if it were not for some of the national security policies that Bush has inacted over the past 8 yrs. I am not talking about economic troubles, I am talking about lives of people. Our president had less than 9 months before he had to deal with a major national threat. That threat has never dissapeared nor has it been eliminated. The country is still not off of the hit list. Daily this nation is walking around with a target on it's back. We reap what we sow. That's for a fact. Our country is reaping the harvest that has been planted in the government over the last decade if not more. Clinton's administration is solely responsible for creating the China problem which has been sucking the blood out of the country. We have slit our own wrists and we are just watching them bleed. We can't stop shopping at Wal-Mart anymore cause we are all broke. 10 yrs. ago maybe we could have, but now it's a bit late. That along w/ our tendency to live above our means. My opinion is Congress needs to be cleaned out. Time to hit eject. They aren't doing the checks and balances that they were created for.
  12. Yet he wasn't in the wrong, or do you see it differently?
  13. Did they work or do you just think they suck??? I am confused again.
  14. You people can't see the pictures I take it? Ooops, sorry the pictures don't show. They show on my screen. Must have done something wrong. I got some laughs.
  15. Government is no good when personal feelings get too envolved. It should be used as a measurement/standard for law....thus I like how Jefferson puts it: Regarding the choice of some governments to regulate religion and thought, Jefferson stated: “The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.” Stop thinking about self for a moment and you may find a tiny bit of room for truth. Hey man, don't allow for the government to rob you blind or bust your bones......that's my silly version.
  16. good question, but sadly Christams is not a religious day anymore due to marketing and greed.
  17. Just a thought......... George Washington was a man who belived in God. As Commander in Chief he encouraged his soldiers to also belive in God. He was not know to discuss his faith or preach to others, but he was known to be a private person of faith. He was a promoter of religious freedom. So here are a few very interesting thoughts on the subject.......... Religious views Though his religious views diverged widely from the orthodox Christianity of his day, throughout his life Jefferson was intensely interested in theology, spirituality, and biblical study. His religious commitment is probably best summarized in his own words as he proclaimed that he belonged to a sect with just one member. Early views Jefferson was raised in the Church of England at a time when it was the established church in Virginia and the only denomination funded by Virginia tax money. Theologian Avery Dulles reports, "In his college years at William and Mary [Jefferson] came to admire Francis Bacon, Isaac Newton, and John Locke as three great paragons of wisdom. Under the influence of several professors he converted to the deist philosophy."Dulles concludes: “In summary, then, Jefferson was a deist because he believed in one God, in divine providence, in the divine moral law, and in rewards and punishments after death; but did not believe in supernatural revelation. He was a Christian deist because he saw Christianity as the highest expression of natural religion and Jesus as an incomparably great moral teacher. He was not an orthodox Christian because he rejected, among other things, the doctrines that Jesus was the promised Messiah and the incarnate Son of God. Jefferson's religion is fairly typical of the American form of deism in his day. “Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legislative powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between church and State.” Jefferson believed that each individual has "certain inalienable rights." That is, these rights exist with or without government; man cannot create, take, or give them away. It is the right of "liberty" on which Jefferson is most notable for expounding. He defines it by saying "rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law,' because law is often but the tyrant’s will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual." Hence, for Jefferson, though government cannot create a right to liberty, it can indeed violate it. And the limit of an individual's rightful liberty is not what law says it is but is simply a matter of stopping short of prohibiting other individuals from having the same liberty. A proper government, for Jefferson, is one that not only prohibits individuals in society from infringing on the liberty of other individuals, but also restrains itself from diminishing individual liberty. Jefferson believed that individuals have an innate sense of morality that prescribes right from wrong when dealing with other individuals—that whether they choose to restrain themselves or not, they have an innate sense of the natural rights of others. He even believed that moral sense to be reliable enough that an anarchist society could function well, provided that it was reasonably small. On several occasions, he expressed admiration for tribal, communal way of living of Native Americans: In fact, Jefferson is sometimes seen as a philosophical anarchist. He said in a letter to Colonel Carrington: "I am convinced that those societies (as the Indians) which live without government, enjoy in their general mass an infinitely greater degree of happiness than those who live under the European governments." However, Jefferson believed anarchism to be "inconsistent with any great degree of population." Hence, he did advocate government for the American expanse provided that it exists by "consent of the governed." Regarding the choice of some governments to regulate religion and thought, Jefferson stated: “The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.” This I just threw in here........ View on the carrying of arms Jefferson’s commitment to liberty extended to many areas of individual freedom. In his "Commonplace Book," he copied a passage from Cesare, Marquis of Beccaria related to the issue of gun control. The quote reads, "Laws that forbid the carrying of arms ... disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes ... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." above text taken from : http://www.answers.com/topic/thomas-jefferson
  18. Unlike America, India has no hesitation in doing what is justified in their eyes. The people of India near the region of Mumbia are very fired-up and are quite capible of retaliation. The sad truth to human judgment. Yes, they will do what is right in their own eyes. The Bible speaks of the days when all men do what is right in their own eyes. We have a tendency to rationalize with ourself. We make ourselves justified in our own eyes. Don't we all? Take for example king David's words in 2 Samuel 3:39 And I am weak today, though anointed king; and these men, the sons of Zeruiah, are too harsh for me. The Lord shall repay the evildoer according to his wickedness. David's words reflect that he understands the Lord will in time repay according to the people's wickedness. It's a truth seen throughout the Bible. Jeremiah 5:1 Run to and fro through the streets of Jerusalem; See now and know; And seek in her open places If you can find a man, If there is anyone who executes judgment, Who seeks the truth, And I will pardon her. (her=Jerusalem) Jer. 5:19 And it will be when you say, "Why does the Lord our God do all these things to us?" then you shall answer them, 'Just as you have forsaken Me and served foreign gods in your land, so you shall serve aliens in a land that is not yours.' ( what stands out to me in the above vrs. in our US military serving aliens in a land that is not ours. It reminds me of the way American has opened it's doors to foreign nations and their foreign gods over the past decades. In result we now serve aliens in a land that is not ours. ) We have a choice just as did the nation of Israel. Jer.7:5 For if you thoroughly amend your ways and your doings, if you thoroughly execute judgment between a man and his neighbor, if you do not opress the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow, and do not shed innocent blood in this place, or walk after other gods to your hurt, then I will cause you to dwell in this place, in the land that I gave to your fathers forever and ever. Behold you trust in lying words that cannot profit. Will you steal, murder, commit adultery, swear falsely, burn incense to Baal, and walk after other gods whom you do not know, and then come to stand before Me in this house which is called by my name, and say, "We are delivered to do all these abominations?" Has this house, which is called by My name, become a den of thieves in your eyes? Behold, I , even I, have seen it, says the Lord. It comes down to repentance. I am as guilty as anyone, and I am not pointing a finger. God's law is clear, and I fall short. What makes the difference is that some will see this and repent , as others will be hardened to the truth of God's words.
  19. http://www.go2rpi.com/E-MailSpecials/MoreInformation2.htm http://www.go2rpi.com/E-MailSpecials/IllustraMediaTrailerYT.htm
  20. it's paint by colors. I used to paint ponies with paint by colors.
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