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Everything posted by Mandova

  1. I think I'd like it, or I would like to amp up my routine with some of the ideas it uses. Already giving funds to the local gym for my membership. Plus I love the cardio glide, so I will just have to get creative. I miss coaching. We had endless creativity and equipment to keep it interesting. Plyometrics are evil.
  2. P90X. How do you like it? From the read it sounds good. I bought the Core Rythms DVD's 2 yrs. ago. Got board with that. I may have learned how to do the samba?? I'm into fitness, but I use my own methods. The P90X looks like a kick in the butt. I used to be able to handle military style workouts, but now I am a cardio junkie. It's 5 days a week of the same. I need to incorporate some new workouts.
  3. :boxing:come on, i can take ya......jk. i would love to learn how to kick box. i have some ideas how it works.
  4. http://www.techspec-usa.com/products/gs_suzuki.html (they have grips for many makes and models) Do any of you have the tank grips? I want to get a set similar to this. It would really be nice to protect the area of the tank that my riding pants make contact with and reduce slip. Know of any other companies that make them? Some look cheap and others look classy. If you have tank grips that you really like can you post where you got them from?
  5. My facts are all Bible based....nothing more nothing less. Where do you get yours? What's your standard for truth? You gotta have one...right?
  6. Then you really aren't an American are you?
  7. I understand. It's not a cartoon story. It's not anything that we should be leaving to the imagination. Just keep to the facts.
  8. Mandova


    Yep....they are trying to kill off the SS and Medicare suckers. IMO Seek help if it's up over 4 hours.... I love to tease my husband about that one. What's the average time it's suposed to be up??? Come on. Tylenol's changed thier tune lately. They tell you to only take it if you need it.....say what? Dumb.
  9. That's a bummer. Sorry about the water trouble. Isn't that what moms are for??.......using all their stuff when yours breaks.
  10. I love to wear tennis shoes when I can get away with it. I can feel my feet better and can touch the ground easier at stops. Most likely I'll wear whatever I feel like on a commute, but out for a southern Ohio journey, I will always have the riding boots. The last time I went down the boots got torn a bit.
  11. ^Can you say why? What's truely wrong with him. Please share. I am open to listen, cause I know nothing about him till today.
  12. Heard this man speak on the radio today. Great great stuff. He was a part of the Reagan administration. Author of some very interesting books. Check out his site. I don't like to read, but after listening to him on the radio, I may want to read his books. http://www.dineshdsouza.com/more/about.html
  13. That's actually a really beautiful picture. It's very possible to conclude that the passage from Rev. I quoted can be tied to the visual characteristics of a total lunar eclipse. Thank you for the Mr. Eclipse photo. I enjoyed debating in this thread, but it's kinda hard to make any comments on the Jesus cartoons. They are a bit disturbing. Jewish Jesus would most likely have had dark eyes, darker skin and dark hair. I bet Jesus was a handsome fellow and had a nice sculpted figure........I won't go any further.
  14. This is not the "Blood Moon" thread anymore. I correct my mistakes. hehehe:p It's the perfectionist in me.
  15. Neat! Hurry-up and be spring. I miss riding already.
  16. poor baby, she's out of pain now. I can understand how it breaks your heart to have an animal look at you in pain. You guys did what you could to help her. Sorry that she passed away like that. She looked like a good friend.
  17. That little puppy has big paws to carry. It's sweet. The treadmill is a great tool for getting out bottled-up energy. I would like to have one for our great dane. Her idea of fun is running. If you can use the dog whisperer as your training guide, you'll have a perfect dog. Unlike me.
  18. http://www.imdb.com/video/screenplay/vi984285465/ Be careful not to feed them after midnight.
  19. I bet they're really soft.
  20. It reminds me of the Gremlin movie. I was scared to death of those things as a kid.
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