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Everything posted by Mandova

  1. I want one of these. Trip to Peru.
  2. Where is mom? No way the police would ever get my child alone and talk to him without me. No way!
  3. They will definitely look at motive. There has to be a missing link to the chain of events here?
  4. http://cbs3.com/topstories/boy.double.murder.2.860609.html You cannot imagine having to make the choice on how to handle this situation? It's been all over the news and radio. THe judge has put an order to stop any further information from getting out on the case. I would suspect this is deeper than it appears on the surface. Do I think an 8 yr old with phycological damage is capable of this, yeah, but a healthy mind, not. My best friend was a foster parent and had a 8 yr. old boy placed in her home. He had been diagnosed w/ bipolar and ADHD. He had been severely abused, and he was a drug baby. He was capible of things a 8 yr. old shouldn't even think of doing. Suicide, death, killing, and rage thoughts came out of that child. When I knew him he was taking meds that would tranquilize a bear. He was since placed into a group home at age 13. A healthy child with a loving parent, is not on a path to such actions. Something is missing from the story. It's sad. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081120/ap_on_re_us/child_charged The boy has been charged in juvenile court with two counts of murder in the Nov. 5 shootings of his father, Vincent Romero, 29, and Timothy Romans, 39, a co-worker who was renting a room. The above sentence may be an eye opener that something was going on between the two men (father & male roomate) and the young child. It shouldn't get overlooked IMO.
  5. I am a girl and I know nothing about motorcycles. I read owner's manuals, read service manuals, play with my bike, and ask a ton of questions. I think what you plan on doing will NOT do any harm to your bike. It should be dandy......run the bike to a hot operating temp in the spring prior to draining the winter oil. You should get it hot before changing oil anyways. Yeah? It should clear out most all the non-synthetic when you drain it. Heck with the owner's manuals, I always get myself in a mess when I follow them. if it doesn't work out for you let me know...ok?
  6. :flag:That's exciting, and the article was done really nice.
  7. For those who just have to have it all............. http://www.motogp.com/en/news/2008/Toyota+unveil+Ducati+Desmosedici+RR+transporter
  8. Neat. It's eye catchy. Looks like you paintballed it. The font under Ohio Riders is really hard to read ...at least my eyes have trouble making it out.
  9. I guess I didn't make clear already that I'm not about religion??
  10. I didn't say God was a human. I said God made US in His image. He being the creator gave us some of the tangible characteristics. We have eyes to see. We have ears to hear. We have a mouth to speak. We are living and breathing. The Bible says that Adam and Eve walked with God in the garden of Eden. These may be a few examples to help you understand that we are not humanizing God by saying that we are made in His image. No one has the mind of God. Nor the abilities. The difference between humans and God is that He is the "I am". It is the knowledge, the existance. He created. Man came from dust and God breathed the breath of life into man. Without the breath of life we are nothing but dust. See how creator is above creation? God made Adam to be over all the animals of the garden. See how man is ruler over beast? An animal cannot equate itself with a human. A human cannot equate himself with the creator. Does that make sence?
  11. No. The reason being that when the two humans ate fruit off the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil their eyes were opened to become like God. They saw good from evil. (remember that evil exsisted prior to humans. Lucifer (Satan) had been cast out of heaven for having a lust to be ruler over everything like God) Due to humans ability to see things as God saw, they had to be cast out of the garden before they were able to eat from the Tree of Life and remain in their sinful state forever. "Tree of Life".... ( to eat of this tree was to live forever. One day this tree will be planted again and its fruit will be for the healing of the nations. Rev. 22:2) They were in sin b/c they directly disobeyed their creator. Same like a son disobeys his father, and the father disciplines him for doing so. Gen 3:23 ..therefore the Lord God sent him out of the garden of Eden to till the ground from which he was taken. Put in simple terms, real knowledge makes you see what God sees. You and I aren't God. We are only his creation, created for him and by him. We cannot be Him, but we can be like Him, b/c we are created in His image.
  12. They want to go. They love people in other countries enough to share the gospel (good news) and care for oppressed people groups. If they incounter people that don't like what they have to say, their intention is not to force anyone to hear them. People in that region of the world do want to hear the gospel. Many ordinary civilians are just not allowed this influence, b/c some nations don't like American ways.
  13. Looks like steak before they cook it. That's why I preffer chicken.
  14. Very true. Take a look at China and the persecution in India. It's very likely. You know that people would still find a way to pass the truth of the Bible onto the next generation somehow. Meeting in homes and small groups would take place, even if government forbid it. I have a sister and brother-in-law with 3 little kids getting ready to head to India as missionaries. Missionaries are illegal in India, unless you are a native. They will work under a native helping him with his programs.
  15. I have seen it already....Zeitgeist part 1-2-3-4-5 how ever many of them? It's a theory, like any other. I am able to agree that religion is used to control people. It has been in place with government since the begining of time. Jesus didn't teach any religion, not even Judaism. Not to write off the old test. law, b/c it is very relevant and important in that Jesus fulfilled the words written by the prophets. The old test. proves many facts to be true. It's also history. Like I have said, I am not about religion. I am about a personal relationship with God thru the work of Jesus. I don't care how you piece it all together, that's the bottom line. You could take every church out of this country and the living God will still exist and thrive. Unlike every religion, God is not about a temple or a building anymore.
  16. I may just say, "cut it off". That would be terrible when the skin doesn't take. No sneakers anymore.
  17. My dream ride would be New Mexico and Arizona....heck anywhere out that direction would be amazingly fun! I went to Yellowstone a few years back and it's so pretty out west. The country looks so big out there.
  18. I don't follow a religion. I have been studying the Bible and the life of Jesus. I am not in a position to say who is going to heaven or hell. That's what I met by, "I do not condemn people". Like I said earlier, the Bible is very clear in Jeremiah and many other prophetic books, that foreign gods and worship of idols were the reason for God's anger and judgement. They took the truth of the holy God and distorted it causing people to fall into a worship of idols (nothingness, dead gods, and false doctrines).
  19. lokks like our chineese water dragon just became kitty's lunch.
  20. You are right. One is the true God and the other is not. I don't pick sides. I don't condemn other people either. I cannot say that someone is going to hell. I don't have that ability. I do know that the God of the Bible and the god of the Muslim's are not even similar in character. Huge gap to close on that one.
  21. You are exactly right here! The law of the prophets is what Jesus came to fulfill. Not the law of the pharisees. The religious leaders in Matthew were burdening the people with works. The Pharisees most of all were the hypocrytes. They spoke with their lips one thing, and did the opposite. These were the ones that were the leaders in the temples. When Jesus saw this going on he was saddened, b/c His people were lost without any good leaders. That's why he taught. He did all he could as a man to teach the truth before they put Him to death. Thus the gospels were recorded by the men that sat under His teaching. Even after his death, resserection, and accention to the heavens, they went on recording the God inspired scriptures of the new test.
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