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Everything posted by Mandova

  1. I don't have to sacrifice anything or anyone. That's been taken care of. Unlike the religions of the world, that still make sacrifices of pre-scripted prayers, animals, and even people to their gods, I will never be required such a thing. Jesus died in my place and yours. He took on Himself the sins of the world to satisfy the debt that needed be paid. God raised Jesus from the dead, so that unlike any other god, we have faith in a living God. Not a dead idol. God is holy, thus he cannot be in fellowship with sin. The wages of sin is death. But the gift of God is eternal life thru Jesus Christ. What good is a judicial judge that let's felon go without that felon first paying the price? If there is a God, and he is a just God, how can he look upon wrong doing and let it go unpunnished. This is where the need for a sacrifice comes in. Somebody's got to pay the penalty. Right?
  2. That's very funny:) Um, God doesn't force people to kneel at certain times of the day to worship Him. He has given grace and mercy to His children. He isn't about works, but instead, faith. It's a childlike faith that God is seeking. Simple, sincere, pure faith. Religion makes RULES for people to follow, but Jesus came to set the captive free. Not to enslave people w/ religious burdens.
  3. You guys are a tough crowd and I am a small flame. I won't get snuffed out by your science and theology, but I also don't intend to argue. I love ya even though I've never met any of you. You can't be that bad?
  4. That's fine, whatever makes you feel good about yourself. I think it is a respectful thing to do, but it's like asking your Dad for something when all you've ever done to him is curse his name, deny that he's your father, and make fun of him infront of other people. Does your Dad still love you as his son? Yes, of course, but it stings a little. Ya know what I mean. You have every right to decide if God is real to you or not. Just b/c you think that the something is real, doesn't make it real. It's a personal experience. We all have to weigh the cost. If you think that crashing your bike at 70mph isn't going to happen to you, just b/c you don't believe it can, does that make it hurt any less when it happens? My point is that we can all deny that Gods really there, but if He is, don't you think it would be nice to have fair warning? I am trying to give fair warning.
  5. what the heck? It's a question you don't like, so you call it not much of a question?
  6. This is the questioned I had in mind. I doubt anyone had much of an answer. What's wrong with the book of Revelation? You either believe it or ya don't.? It is written using sybolism and that's what many people struggle to grasp. It also has many ties to the old test. prophetic books. Everything lines-up. It's not really that hard to understand. I've done a detailed study of the book. Some things are not crystal clear, but the main points are vividly explained.
  7. I'm dissapointed nobody answered my question. It's to be expected. The Bible was written over a long stretch of time, yes. The Bible was written by many men, yes. The Bible is 99.5% in accuracy with those variables, yes ( meaning it doesn't contradict ). The remaining .5% is lost in translation from the original 3 different languages, which is to be expected. It's still an amazing fact, even if you don't take it for truth as I do. Carry on w/ global warming...........the sun is not going to end the earth. God's going to do that. God made the sun. The moon will turn to blood one day too, but I hope I am not here when that happens. I will rather be dead than face those times. Revelation may seem wacked-out, but if you read it for what it is, understanding some of the sybolism, it's really a clear picture of some things that aren't far off from happening, even scientifically.
  8. yes, but not by my choice. yucky football! Wasn't that the reff's?? Some people think they were way off?
  9. Mandova

    New Bike

    that bike looks fun!
  10. I have a question>>>> Why do we ask others to pray for our friends when they are sick in the hospital, or they have just lost a baby? Who are you praying to if you don't believe in God? How is a god you don't even know going to hear your prayers? I am puzzeled by reading about this here on the board. I have prayed for both of the situations w/ true sorrow. They need our prayers. I am sick w/ the flu and have a burning fever. I am going to sleep till I am well enough to stomach more conversation. Peace
  11. I would throw out the challenge for you to read the books of Genesis and Exodus then we can really talk about this issue properly. If you have not read either of those books recently, then you are going to be hurting for the facts on the recorded situation. The God of Moses is the "I am". He will make the final say in the end. It's only for a time that this earth will remain on the path it's headed. I will gladly defend the true, living God. God is not a child/baby killer. Read Jeremiah. He hates when people distort the truth and serve idols. In Jeremiah they were sacrificing their children to idols, and burning them. God hates distortion of truth, but he has given us a choice in this world. He will be the man to face at the end. Take it or leave it. With Respect, Mandi
  12. You blow me away sometimes. I will say that it's just a radical approach to venting against main stream religion. Who knows? I don't think it's impossible to reason w/ an atheist. You better be well informed and able to give an answer if you are going to stand any ground. The Devil roams around seeking who he may devoure. He is like a lion. Here is a scripture that is good for dealing with temptation. ~Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall. No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with each temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it. 1 Corinthians 10:12&13 Jesus was tempted by satan. He was hungry after praying and fasting for 40 days. When he was confronted by satan 3 times, Jesus was able to withstand the offers made to Him. He used scripture and truth to withstand each offer that was placed infront of Him. My gosh, Jesus was the prime example for how to deal with temptations. Many times in the new test. you see how He was mocked and questioned.
  13. Do you all have problems with each other? I think the man was just offering what he had for sale. What's the deal guys?? magifesq, I may be interested in a tank guard from you. Can you e-mail me pictures of the ones you have for that price? firexb9r@yahoo.com by the way, thanks
  14. Mandova

    Ah nasty.....

    That's really sad. A lady who comes in where I work was telling me about this. I would cry if I had city sewage in my basement. At least there's Clorox. You gotta do what you gotta do, but that's a bummer.
  15. http://www.motogp.com/en/photos/2008/MotoGP+Rider+James+Toseland Isn't he darling?!! I got to see him at Indy and he is just a sweet in person. Played a mini concert on his piano. He said that his grandmother told him he was born to be a concert pianist, but his parents were the reason he became a motorcycle racer....something like that? It was funny the way he told the story. When he crashes Edwards tells him to hold his hands up in the air. They don't want him to mess up his piano-playing hands.
  16. Don't let the cry baby spoil your kindness. You did the right thing and that's all you have to live with. He will get what comes to him. People will figure out that he is just ungrateful. Sometimes a kind gesture is not even recognized. My motto has been to give without expecting any thanks/reward in return. I think what you did was gracious.
  17. Mandova


    Better demote your dates to the dollar theater and NO POPCORN!
  18. Mandova


    He did all the buying. I just did the flying.
  19. Mandova


    No, I flew myself out to be with him in CA.
  20. Mandova


    I don't want to start trouble. I will just mention that I have had three internet relationships. Two of the guys I got involved with. Both of them were about getting sex without a price basically. The one guy I flew out to the west coast to spend a week with. I was only 19yrs old. He wanted to keep the relationship going. I had to end it. So my opinion on this subject is ruined. I think internet, myspace, facebook, and instant mesgr are great communication tools, but poor relationship avenues. I have been burnt pretty badly. The funny thing is, I knew better. Live and learn girls. It happens to the best of us. I DID NOT meet my husband thru anything internet related. It's better one on one. A man has a harder time lying to your face.
  21. Very good price on the Battery Tender Jr. We just bought another one off e-bay and paid $43. If I would have know I'd have gotten it from you. Oh well. Do you sell your stuff on e-bay? I am looking for a nice tank protector for my gsxr. Got any deals on those?
  22. That's a great idea. I signed-up for some of the stuff. Thanks for posting the link.
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