Hey everybody, Me and homer were lookin' into going out for like a 4 day weekend ride sometime in August, and I'm kinda stumped as to what roads we should take. I'm def. looking out of state since I don't get many times to get out of here. Basically I'm looking for some ideas, input, or anyone else that might be up to go along. With us its kind of a go on the fly type deal: where to eat, what to do (besides ride), hotels... well that'll be that last part of our planning.. hah What I'm lookin at right now: Down to Dragon and Back http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=columbus,+oh&daddr=robbinsville,+nc+to:Asheville,+NC+to:hickory,+nc+to:columbus,+oh&geocode=&hl=en&mra=ls&dirflg=t&sll=37.60548,-83.59294&sspn=8.283948,14.084473&ie=UTF8&ll=37.614231,-82.683105&spn=8.282017,14.084473&z=6 or to the Atlantic and back, but i don't know where to go on the eastern seaboard... thoughts?