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Big Speazy

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Everything posted by Big Speazy

  1. Big Speazy


    From the album: Helmet

  2. Big Speazy


    From the album: Helmet

  3. Big Speazy


    From the album: Helmet

  4. Big Speazy


    Helmet Customization
  5. Big Speazy


    From the album: Helmet

  6. very cool design. I bought my all white helmet for the purpose of doing somethin' like this, and make it my own. but just now got around to doing something... This is what I've got so far, using some paint pen
  7. Big Speazy

    hobbes hel,et

    From the album: bike

  8. Good movie... quite a switch from HP though I say.
  9. Big Speazy


    Dry Sack Cock Burns
  10. sounds good keep me updated... i was at the last one, so i at least know how to get there
  11. i'm not so much NE, so i'm out of the way if you all take 71 (boring)... now i am on 62 though. albeit, its slower and may take longer.
  12. What's this day of rest shit? What's this bullshit? I don't fuckin' care! It don't matter to Jesus. But you're not foolin' me, man. This bush league psyche-out stuff. Laughable, man - ha ha!
  13. I didn't really feel wet much after the rain had stopped... the heavier stuff i leaned over to cover my jeans, so really only my shins got hit with the road wetness. so really it wasn't much of a problem. my gloves on the other hand felt wet until after the first gas stop.
  14. Both of those were sweet roads, I immediately got home and went "I wish my camera mount was on so I coulda got some vid of those roads for dad." but that gives me more reason to go down another time right? Tennessee is more for a visit to a friends, not as much riding, but I had planned on riding somewhere just to get out and explore on the way. A much needed vacation from the bank.
  15. hey I'm dry too... and i was wearing blue jeans. haha thanks U.P. for the ride, even though I slowed your asses down with my 500. ...or maybe it was that you didn't want to be seen with such a sexy bike as that.
  16. i'm around 5k i think... which is basically the total of the bike. I can't really remember.
  17. ...sorry but did you mean to put TURD in your intro thread?
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