Looking for a bluetooth communicator for my helmet best for less than $200. I only need one and ive seen a few-uclear, sena and chatterbox but not sure which is better. Thoughts?
katana are great bikes and pretty much bullet proof. it was my first bike and my wifes first bike. However, if you want katana love check out www.katriders.com I'm 600kat4eb over there. Enjoy it!
In columbus thats not thrumans. I like them but dont wanna wait to long today. It wld also b great it they werent chain related like red robin or max and ermas. Eastside too, but not required. Thanks
i remember watching these matches...ilt was like a chest match on wheels...are they still doing this? I saw on crash were one dude went over the top of the rail and many others that piled up at the bottom of the track when there was a sprint to the finishline.
We had one of thos speak and spells...in fact, my bother found one at a toledo thrift store last week in blue for $2 and it still worked!!! We had on those car things too with a rug with roads on it! LOL!!! Good times!