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Posts posted by swingset

  1. People don't typically leave dogs in the front yard unless it is fenced in. UPS won't go into a fenced back yard with a dog. By law we are all required to create safe access to our front door for anyone who wished to contact us for lawful reasons, although if the front yard is fenced and it is clear there is a large dog there than that's too as long as visitors know that.

    You clearly don't leave the well-ordered suburbs. In the inner city where I work it's very common to see dogs in front yards, on porches, and even if it wasn't they get loose. Same with out here in the country, not uncommon at all to encounter dogs when walking up to a door. I know a lot of folks have hidden fences and the dogs have free-roam of the yard.

    I don't know a UPS driver or a mailman that works on foot that hasn't contended with dogs up close and personal.

    So, my point stands, even tho you crapped on it.

  2. Who cares about a dog?

    I'd justify killing 100 dogs to save 1 person, 1,000 dogs, 100,000 dogs...

    They are animals, no better than any of the animals we eat every day.

    I swear the way some people worship their pets, they should be vegan.

    I've been bitten once, tore a few pretty big chunks out of my calf at 14. That dog survived 2 years (too long) before I took care of it. The next dog that bites me won't survive that long, not even close.

    Every time you post, I realize that you serve as a living example of how not to think, what not to say, and how not to conduct my life.

    You do perform a service here, and it's not just scaring away women.

  3. How the UPS and mailmen go through their day without shooting dogs is a thing of great mystery to me.

    They must have amazing powers over the animal world that police don't.

    Either that or they carry some Fox Labs and don't freak out when a dog barks at them.

  4. Riddle me this: so what did cowboys and pioneers bring? I don't see them carrying around 75# massive packs on their backs with the doomsday paranoia. Just living was a basic everyday life

    I don't have any thoughts about doomsday nonsense. My prep is for two things only, in order of likelihood. First being natural disaster, which I've had to cope with and will probably again before my days are done. Second is a riot or civil unrest, which is not as common but given I work in a large metro that has had in my lifetime two incidents of this, it's certainly possible.

    In both situations, my goal is simply to remove myself from any danger and get to safety.

    And, my home prep is to weather any incidents of extended loss of power (which I've lived through), or loss of mobility (which I've lived through) or even job loss (which I've lived through).

    I'm not preparing for zombies and UN troops, neither will happen. My goal is to prep for the things that are either a certainty given enough time or a strong possibility given my location and climate.

    Cowboys almost never traveled alone or without quick access to supply wagons or towns, btw, and when they did they carried as much as they could fit to sustain themselves - which in the 19th century wasn't ideal as far as shelter or nutrition. That's probably why their life expectancy wasn't so hot.

    Thankfully we live in better times, and can more easily prepare for life's shitty hand.

  5. Man, I've tried to like Mountain House concoctions and honestly, it's like eating wet cardboard.

    I need to find a good source for MRE's and stick with what I know will suffice for sustenance on the move.

    MH is terrible, and although most all freeze-dried stuff is high in sodium the MH stuff is like death in a bag.

    For a go-bag, honestly, I think it makes a lot of sense to carry dense nutrition bars and high-calorie stuff you can stow and eat with minimal or no-preparation. I make my own energy/sustenance bars, but you can buy some that are pretty good or combine common store stuff to make some good stuff.

    Element bars are really good, hand-made ones and you can tailor them for your nutritional needs:


    I think what gets lost in the "go bag" prep is that chances are in a real disaster or urban upheaval situation you're likely not going to want to sit and prepare meals, and ones that can be unwrapped and consumed offer good advantages. Same with the "daily calorie" needs. Yeah, we all need 2000 calories, but for a short-term survival situation you'll still be operating on stored food from before you grabbed that go bag, so you'll want carbs/protein and hydration to keep you moving until you can re-supply or get home.

    My go-bag isn't a camp bag, it's for quickly getting me from bad places to safe places with the stuff I need to survive for 1-3 days.

    • Upvote 1
  6. Bet your dick tingled when you saw this story Mags. Probably trembling in excitement cutting and pasting it.

    If the guy is guilty of murder, good, he'll fry when the facts come out.

    If he's not guilty, good, he'll walk when the facts come out.

    SYG is still good legislation that has kept many people who rightly defended themselves from undue prosecution and legal burdens. And when someone doesn't legitimately defend themselves, the facts come out and they get prosecuted.

    • Upvote 2
  7. Super-bands generally sound great on paper, and end up writing bloated crappy music, but I'll play along.

    I'd go at it from a "who would write good music together" rather than instrument proficiency thing or fame.

    Vocals/guitar - Nuno Bettencourt. Good singer, even better guitarist, and super versatile writer (check out his solo album Nuno, or his writing on his wife's album "Telelove"...he's a lot more than Extreme's stuff).

    Bass - Dave Anthony. Yeah, Van Halen's bassist. Most overlooked bassist ever. Sounds good, knows how to keep a groove going, and great backing vocalist...which everyone overlooks when doing a band. Best of all, he plays to the song instead of stomping on it like many "talented" bassists do.

    Keyboards (no one ever puts a keyboard player in the band?) - Roddy Bottum (hey, we both picked a Faith No More guy). He's got a great quirky flair, but can play straight and tasteful...and he's a cool songwriter.

    Drums - Andy Sturmer from the Jellyfish. Any dude that can play drums standing up as a frontman is cool....and he's also good backing singer and songwriter.

    I'd love to hear what these four came out of the studio sounding like.

  8. I was on my Strom on 670 in Columbus near the Airport a few years ago when a box spring flew off a moving truck way up ahead of me. It caught air and went really high, and for a second I just stared at it cause it was soaring, then I realize I'm on a great trajectory to meet it when it comes back down....so I swerve off to the berm to miss it and it starts to bank my way....I swerve back into my lane right as it comes down and I ducked to miss it....flew just over my head.

    Scared the living shit out of me.

    What's worse is I speed up and flag the truck down, and the guy flips me off cause he thinks I'm raging on him....just waving trying to get him to pull over or realize he lost something.

    I think that's why I ride in the dirt so much. Mattress incidents and retarded truckers are very rare.

  9. SOLD.

    Selling a nice condition Keltec PF-9, 9mm obviously. Blued slide, some carry wear but not bad probably 95% condition. It's been a perfect runner, has gobbled up every carry ammo I've run through it, never skipped a beat. Shoots well, but I'm back to carrying a wheelgun. Throw in the Galco IWB holster, too. It's the George Zimmerman commemorative edition, Skittles rollmark on the slide.

    (ok, that last part's not true, but it should be).

    Live in Granville, work in Cowlumbus, could meet anywhere in between. IM me if you're interested.


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