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Posts posted by swingset

  1. +1 on the no parents. Parents arent forcing kids to take responsiblity for their actions. I still got scares from my mom and the razor strap.

    I think it's more of a "non-existent" parents. Having a dad around in the black community is fucking rare.

    Of course, somehow, that's my fault as a white guy.

  2. It's getting bad out there - I'm a mess driving in a cage - part of the reason I sold my bikes... just can't trust central Ohio drivers.

    +1. I had so many close calls last year - some of them were "if that had been a hair different I'd be dead" moments, plus the deer, I just said fuck it and sold the street bike. Dirt or dual sporting for me from here on out.

    Love bikes, but I don't want to die.

  3. It amazes me that you guys continue to think the fuel issue is only Ducati. Triumph tanks have problems, KTM tanks have problems, boat manufactures had problems, even Porsche has problems with their tanks. Aprilia has tank issues, bmw has started to seal their tanks because they have had problems with their tanks swelling. Just because your bike hasn't had a problem doesn't mean the problem isn't relevant.

    Add in commercial mowers, 2-stroke equipment of all kinds.

    Ask your local mowing/repair shop about gas issues. It fucks plastic stuff up, period.

    The shop I go to has made a new living out of selling fuel pickups and hoses because the ethanol blended gas is eating the shit out of them.

  4. If a guy shows up to a group ride without a jacket.... that should be the first red flag....

    With that said, I only own a jacket, gloves, and a helmet (Gear isn't cheap) but hopefully I'll be adding boots to that list before this big OR group ride happens.

    And if your group is named something that sounds like gay porn, that's a giant red (or pink) flag too.

    BTW, don't forget pants. You can get rash bad enough on your legs to kill you from the blood loss, infection, etc. And, it fucking hurts even if it doesn't kill you.

  5. This bleeding heart circle jerk is just wonderful. Let's all break our arms patting ourselves on the back for our compassion-fu, and anyone who doesn't think healthcare should be a subsidized, soulless government entity must be a monster.

    Unlike some of you utopian children, I've lived in single-payer, socialized countries and saw what happens when you try to remove profit from the system. The system becomes the DMV, with doctors. Everyone who can afford to, pays more to get what we have, and everyone else gets in line for shit care. Or, if you'd like to be a complete dishonest tool, you can look at the tiny handful of industrial, wealthy, homogenous countries with socialized medicine and pretend it could ever work here with our vast socio-economic mix. It won't....it'll suck harder than what we've got.

    The fact is, and you can hate this all you want, that greed makes for good medicine. It drives innovation, it funds research, it builds bigger and better facilities, and it makes even the shittiest care you can get vastly better than the free care given in some nations. It makes for better doctors, it makes for better surgeons, and that knowledge and experience trickles down and improves care the world over - even by spreading into the socialized countries by way of information and sharing of medical experience. Greed makes even "non-profit" medicine better.

    Can this system be improved? Sure, it's totally fucked now, but not because of profit. Price controls fucks up any industry it sets out to fix.

    Now, back to the mini-DNC suck fest this thread has become. If this thread was a kid, it would have leukemia and ask Scruit why it has to suffer with big sad eyes.

    Because we all know that top flight healthcare and insurance is a right, and it's ok if someone else pays for it, and it's not ok if anyone profits from this expensive, risky and complicated treatment. That's totally realistic.

  6. You have a valid point. Who's to blame for the rise of the HMO?


    Interesting. Who was in office and signed that legislation in 1973? Right, Nixon.

    I appreciate your agreeing that the current state of healthcare in the US is fucked up.

    Are you assuming me to be a line-toting Republican? You'd be wrong, and Nixon was a fucking idiot.

    If the HMO industry is one side of the corrupt, awful state of our healthcare, the other is the bloated, well-meaning and clueless government....and the worst offenders have been liberals in creating overwhelmingly burdensome regulations, laws and tort issues that cripple healthcare.

    Both R's and D's suck donkey dick, on this issue.

  7. GOP healthcare in one sentence..

    "Let poor people die."

    So before we had modern health insurance all the poor people died?

    News to me.

    Seems like back before fucked up HMO's and burdensome government meddling fucked the whole system up the poor people could afford a doctor's visit, and health insurance was for emergencies not oil changes.

    What the hell, let's just tax those mean rich people and pay for Javier's 12 anchor babies...all future Democrats.

  8. I agree! As long as they are paying the EXACT tax percentage I do! And no, you can't write off your Ferrari as a company vehicle.

    To make them the exact same as yours would be lowering the tax brackets on the rich, not raising them. The tax is progressive, the more you make the more you pay in both dollars and percentage.

    Now, what you might be thinking of is income tax verses capital gains taxes, where the tax rate is much lower on investment income. But, this is the gaping hole in the logic of the liberals and rich-haters. Income from investment is subject to risk, and thus it is patently unfair and counter-productive to tax it at income levels....namely because it hurts investment which drives all the jobs that us normal people do. Go after that, and the poor and middle class suffer even more, because if you tax my investments hard, I'll stop investing as much or do it overseas.

  9. Freak watching? Yes.

    Tool deal? They're hit and miss. Some are priced just below retail, and some are really good deals! As with the guns, you have to know what you're looking at!

    Yeah, for sure the tools are all over the place but there's one vendor there that always has die-grinder shit for way less than HD or Lowes, and they're very good quality...hold up better than Harbor Freight shit.

    There's also a guy that sells Stihl Ultra 2-smoke oil for like 1/2 of what it retails around here for, I use the hell out of that stuff. Last year I bought everything he had.

  10. Gun prices on the tables are always retarded, but sometimes they don't know what they have. I got a Franchi Law12, mint, for $300 a few years ago and a 1914, un-altered preWWI No1mkIII with volley sights still intact for $75. Sold that gun for $650 a month later.

    Gotta know what you're looking at, and keep an eye out for what's walking around.

    I always go, it's just up the road from me. The freak watching alone makes it awesome, and I love watching the dogs swim. The tool deals are worth it, too. I stock up on dremel and die grinder accessories every year.

  11. I like Perry better on 2 wheels. Less traffic, rougher trails, and none of the "Not a designated trail" BS that you have all over Wayne. But on a fo willer, prolly Waynes.

    Perry has so much trail it's like a spiderweb...I've been there 50 times and I always find something new I haven't been on.

    I'll take it over Wayne on ATV or bike, just for having a "free for all" atmosphere and less traffic.

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