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Posts posted by swingset

  1. If it hasn't been done, you might wanna rebuild the clutch-slave, replace the clutch fluid and do that yearly too. It's very easy, and if you keep on top of it the clutch slave will last forever. When they get gunked up they get scored and the slave unit's not cheap. A $6 seal and some brake fluid and you're good to go.

    There's detailed instructions on VSRI.

    I really noticed mine staying cleaner once I switched to Dupont Dry Lube for the chain. I have to spray it on more often, but the countersprocket area doesn't get nearly as nasty as with traditional lube.

  2. I would guess that the Clutter family felt that same peace in Garden City, Kansas on 15 November, 1959.

    Must have been the sick gun culture of the 1950's to blame.

    I'd bet Christopher Newsom was in a zen like state while a gang raped and tortured him and his girlfriend, before his inevitable death when he was shot in the head, and then set on fire....he probably congratulated himself on being civilized and letting his elbows do the talking.


    I mean, heck it's not like a CCW holder has ever stopped a carjacking. If he had a gun, and things went badly, he might have been.....uh......shot or tortured?

    Anyway, stuff like this only happens to other people. People with underdeveloped elbows. We shouldn't even think about it, or prepare, because preparation equals murder practice.

  3. Is that why you won't let this thread die? Or is it just the overwhelming need to have the last word?

    He's a scholar on a mission, you see.

    I contended that only a person with a deep, overwhelming fear of guns would be so compelled to argue so doggedly against them page after page, day after day, especially when shown to be in error so often.

    But Magz assures us all that we're the ones with a problem.

    He knows that he's so at peace with life, guarded by those elbows, that he can't rest until we're all disarmed and civilized like he is.

    He's obviously a wise soul who has encountered really bad people, and using his intellect and physical prowess, discouraged any harm that might befall him. It's a shame elderly people and handicapped people and diminutive women can't match his imposing presence...I guess in his idealized world it just sucks to be them when it's rapin time, but anyway he's safe in his bed because he's a warrior/scholar and that's what's important here.

    Golfclap for Magz, he's really doing God's work. By God I mean the evil spirit that imbues hunks of metal with evil spirits of long ago when they were designed as weapons.

  4. No bachus, you haven't fixed anything, a motorcycle requires some skill to get it moving, clutch control, proper starting procedure, not to mention you gotta put the kickstand up before dropping it in gear...or it just flat out dies... a 3yr old could never misuse my motorcycle, she *might* be able to knock it over if she really really tried, but get it to speeds that I ride... not a chance.


    Bathtub full of water

    Electrical socket and a butter knife



    Old refrigerator

    Plastic bag

    Lots of things are extremely simple for a child to use, and harm or kill themselves with...if you leave them alone with it.

    We've already been over this, warrior-poet philosopher-fu.

    But, sometimes you have to say things like 12 times to retards before it sinks in. If ever.

    Did your parents leave you alone with a plastic bag? Like, the kind you could wrap your head in and cut off oxygen to the brain for several minutes? It would explain a lot.

  5. Now I'm an able bodied and physically fit (well for the most part) human being, and am confident that I can handle any situation that comes along...

    Wait, I thought you weren't a warrior but a scholar?

    I was buying into the idea that you could study your way out of every situation...like give a dude an intellectual flying elbow.

    Now you're back to being a badass.

    You're a renaissance man, Magz. Very complex. A mystery wrapped up in a conundrum. I think the real weapon around here might just be you. Designed to kill, but so wise that you rise above it and use your mighty brain to fight evil.

    I think we've all gained a lot of respect for your wisdom and real world experience, and your tenets on self-defense have opened some eyes.

  6. DHS Crushed This Analyst for Warning About Far-Right Terror



    Johnson, who has written a forthcoming book about far-right extremist groups, concedes that the definition of “right-wing” in his product was imprecise. In retrospect, he says he should have clarified that his focus was on “violent” right-wing organizations, like white supremacists, neo-Nazis and so-called Sovereign Citizens who believe the U.S. government is an illegitimate, tyrannical enterprise. Much like mainstream Muslims denounce terrorism and object to over-broad analysis portraying Islam as an incubator of extremism, so too do mainstream conservatives denounce neo-Nazis and white supremacists and dispute that those groups are authentically right-wing.
    If there's a big spike in white-supremecist violence towards minorities I'll be happy to concede his fears were real and the threat palpable.

    Not seeing it, yet. How many racially-charged violent acts from other minorities have there been against whites that fall completely off the DHS' radar, or do they even consider such acts as terror? If not, why not? Does a black guy targeting a white victim merely because they're white count as racial hatred? Further, could it be construed as domestic terror? What if he has ties to a black power group?

    Bet there's a few instances of those. Bet it didn't register a blip on anyone's radar...which is interesting.

    Oh, questions...questions.

  7. so you're against biometric safes, too?

    I'm against the idea that they be mandated, or are a solution for everyone.

    What is their failure rate?

    Irrelevant. No one, in any measurable numbers, has put them to real-world use because it's such a crappy idea.

    What is the jam/misfire rate of a modern firearm?

    Unknowable. Irrelevant to the discussion.

    Again shitting on ideas because "It's too hard". It's a good thing people like you aren't in charge of scientific discovery, or we'd all be sitting around arguing with our abacus'...

    Desperate, stupid reach to try to be "right", again, you're getting lost.

    Stick to your original hysteria please. Guns aren't evil, spanky, they're just tools. Making them more difficult to use isn't going to protect anyone. Making bigger safes and more locks won't stop negligent people.

    Go ask your local police why they don't use biometric guns. It's a flawed technology, for all the reasons I mentioned...which means it's something people ought to either improve or be able to ignore.

    I'm all for making things better, I'm not for making things worse to make dumb people feel better.

    That's you, btw, the dumb person.

  8. I'd be onboard with this... people already have biometric safes, let's make the gun biometric and cut out the middle man...

    And if you're bleeding? Might not work. If you're wearing gloves? Might not work. If you're incapacitated and your wife needs to defend herself from the man attacking you? Might not work.

    Wanna know why police don't use this technology? Doesn't work.

    Well, I suppose you'd prefer a gun that doesn't work so you're still on board with this.

    As a person who is afraid of guns to the point of manically arguing about it for pages and pages, you can surely find a reason to like anything that lessens a gun's effectiveness as a tool.

  9. and again, you fail to understand my point, not "evil", "designed to kill, with very little force and zero understanding"

    And, again, anyone can turn a key and launch a 6,000lb vehicle into a crowd and kill 20 people. A child can do it. You confuse the action, the destruction, the intent with the old and meaningless origins of something. That's why you're stupid, partner. How many fucking times must you dodge the incontrovertible wall of logic here?

    Tim McVeigh killed 162, quite easily, with fertilizer and diesel. Are any of his victims less dead because he used that instead of a "designed to kill" gun? You are assigning evil into a gun, because you seem to make its misuse more eggregious than with a rock, or a knife, or a car or a bomb. You think that these things happen because a gun is around. Or, worse, you seem to think that without guns around they wouldn't happen.

    And, I'll come back to Switzerland and Israel again. Proof that an abundance of "designed to kill" weapons doesn't make for a dangerous society. While the inner cities prove that violent cultures make for violence. Negligent people make for negligence, with or without guns....and their origins or design doesn't fucking matter.

    For a man who hates religion, you cling to a dogmatic view on inanimate objects and will not be shaken. Just as a Christian can't abandon God. I find that hilarious, and I mock you for it.


    It's not irresponsible to own a weapon. It's irresponsible to be irresponsible with it. Logic fail, again. You're assigning malice to an object.

    they don't have mind of their own, if they did, i would be more on board...

    Yet your own statements contradict this.

    if they were smart enough to only shoot people with bad intentions, I'd be all for them

    Meaningless. If cars were designed to only let good drivers behind the wheel, you'd be for them right? Even tho that's utopian silliness? If sport bikes were only designed to go the speed limit and not to let squids ride like assholes, you'd be for them right? Again, assigning special malice to an object. Emotions. Fear.

    If they were designed to only be shot by registered owners, I'd be more for them...

    And if a registered owner is infected with the inherent evil of a gun? Uh oh. Guess you'd better re-think that. What if the gun owner is one of those Christian bigot white devils? I think you don't really mean this statement at all.

    Smart gun technology sucks, btw, I'd just rather trust in people to defend themselves and not murder each other. Like they do in Switzerland. See, if you have an industrious, modern and well-educated society, grown men can have assault weapons in their homes and no problems will really ever exist. Same with Israel, or Boise Idaho, or Silver City, NM or anywhere else where gun ownership is very high and crime is very low.

    Again, it was fun deflating your hysteria.



  10. That's my whole point...

    If you left a baseball bat in the car, or an axe for example (since some people think they are analogous), that kid might have gotten a headache, or cut, but probably wouldn't have ended up punching a giant dealy hole through themselves or their siblings...

    And how is it one iota different from leaving your car keys where a child could reach them, start the car and run someone over, or kill themselves? How about leaving a lighter around, where a fire could kill the entire family? How about access to running water and drowning themselves?

    How many kids play with matches and die? A lot. By drowning in an unattended pool? A lot.

    Feeling, instead of thinking.

    All comes back to guns being evil, because you fear them.

  11. Apples and oranges here in your thought process.

    Someone strung-out on PCP beating your sister in the head with a section of pipe because she wouldn't give him money is actively causing damage.

    Leaving a loaded, unsecured firearm unattended with children is negligent.

    That difference will be utterly lost on Magz (who was supposed to be done with this thread, but as I predicted is mentally incapable of abandoning his psychosis).

    He FEELS that guns (being designed only to kill, you see) cause harm, or influence someone holding one to commit harm, so even legitimate self-defense is just a precursor to you using the gun recklessly or with malice. Using it as a tool, even justly and in your own defense is not going to register with him, because that hunk of metal is imbued with evil spirits.

    That gun wasn't left there negligently, it caused its owner to abandon it knowing its destructive power will be used for killing. It, like the Ring of Sauron, knows what it wants you see. Negligence, to Magz, is you even having a gun. There is no responsible...he's stated so himself. If you own it, you contribute to the gun culture and are culpable in all harm that all guns cause.

    Watch and see. If he accepts your point, his house of cards comes crashing down. He can't, and won't, because his delusions hang upon the idea that a guns cause harm merely by being.

  12. The reason you can't and won't find copious news stories of people saving their own lives with guns is two fold. First, most don't generate a news article....and sometimes not even a police report. The one time my boss drew a gun on a person, who was attempting to rob him, there was no news article...yet it happened. That happens every day, far more than murders or gun violence.

    Second, most in the news business are not interested in that slant, and even if their desks were filled with reports of people using guns in self-defense (including police officers, who are people too), their bias is much like snakeshit and Magz and they don't view self-defense with a firearm as satisfying to their papers or the public as a person doing evil with a gun.

    However, you can go study Gary Kleck's work, or John Lott's (both peer-reviewed research), and learn something....but as we know some people prefer to stay ignorant...as their cognitive dissonance cannot be rocked by uncomfortable truths.

    As to Magz, I have no cause or care to challenge you on any matter except those in which you are belligerently ignorant, and wrong.

    You and I might find a great deal we agree on, and I would never pick a fight....but when your ideas are that of a lunatic, and you espouse them as empircal facts, you can expect to be called on it. Especially when it's of a matter I hold personal and believe strongly in.

    Oh, here's one from today....


    Gun shop owner uses his "assault" rifle to put an end to gun-thieves...possibly saving many lives from the stolen weapons that were going to leave his premises.

  13. Good to know, just trying to gather all info i can.

    Also thinking about putting a set of these on http://www.twistedthrottle.com/trade/productview/419/?gclid=CJuq8tjY2rECFQEUKgodAFQA0w

    protects, plus i like the utility look of it. I ask nate for a quote but it will be several weeks before i can pick them up.

    The only bitch about the GIVI bars is they're a bit thinner than other makes, and they make taking the fairings off a royal pain.

    The Motechs are thicker, and you can get the fairings off no problemo. They also mate to more aftermarket skid plates, IIRC.

    I crash tested the Motech bars, hard, and they worked.

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