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Everything posted by Haya!

  1. I would love the jacket but I don't think it will fit my skinny ass. I'm about your height a little taller(5'11) but 35lbs less. You think I could swing it till I put some poundage on?
  2. This is good advice. Just don't be a bitch about it like your sucking up. Just do exactly as he says, shoot the shit with people when they're outside and see if they need anything. Works amazingly well over viewing them all as potential enemies. That being said, you can't impress everyone. Just enough people to have a constant eye on your shit. You look out for them, they look out for you.
  3. Are you talking about vanity plates? Just go with "FA99OT"... trust me, we'll know y.
  4. Just read here http://socalviper.com/forum/index.php?topic=1182.0 that there was a ZR1 vs Viper episode done BEFORE the Viper vs Caddy. However, they are not airing it because the owner of the ZR1 is the owner or something of Mother Car Care products and he was salty about being spanked. Pussy if you can't take the heat don't jump in the kitchen. They NEED to air it that's bullshit.
  5. I'm just going to play this video for everyone that is hating on Arizona right now. This is a prime example of who doesn't support the state in trying to get things back under control. Edit: Damn you madmax I just copied you, thus, it is your fault!
  6. Haya!


    Wheres the price? Just incase I decide to rob a bank tonight.
  7. LOL ok yea thats a little different
  8. Somebody just got paid big bucks for adverstising but still that was funny as hell
  9. Haya!


    Ruh roh...
  10. Interesting. Based on what they are using as evidence though I don't know if I would call that "intent to injure". Unless he knows he screwed up the block and is posting it anyways. I guess we wouldn't know that unless we were him though... However, why would you even send a block back in the first place expecting to get a refund after A: The block is sold as-is implying no warranty and B you have modified it? It seems like he brought this battle upon himself. The company was already going out of it's way to help him out and with the mods he should have known what they were going to say. I mean I feel sorry for the guy with his luck if he really didn't screw the block up but read the fine print. If you want a warranty don't purchase an as is block and expect a refund. Then, get all pissy when they don't give it to you. Also, the guy waited 8 months to make his case so I'm pretty sure if it did have a warranty it would have been expired by that point anyways. This guy just doesn't have a leg to stand on. Modified block, no warranty, waiting 8 months to make an issue, then bashing a company for what you knew was going to happen? It may not be enough to prosecute someone for but it doesn't make him look too good either.
  11. Haya!

    Day I got it

    Holy shit, it looks like a backwards Pinokio! Good on you with the fender eliminator it looks MUCH better.
  12. LOL I just read it. They basically just told the officer, "next time don't even use your radar gun, it's a piece. Just tell us how fast you think he was going and we got you." I love how they repeated he was trained to be within 3mph of the actual speed as credibility yet kept failing to see he posted the radar speed at 83mph and the visual speed at 70... BRILLIANT!
  13. Haya!


    Thats sick as fuck. Next time take a picture with the bikes inside
  14. I'll throw in my useless input; I agree. I agree so long as it doesn't overstep freedom of speech which in this case it's not. Guy screwed his own shit up, expected the company to foot the bill, got laughed out the door, raged on the internet for being a moron/began lying to people to harm said company, got sued. Good deal.
  15. Got the VIN just incase the plates were switched? I don't know who would be stupid enough to ride around on a stolen bike with the same plates. Also, it's really cool that you put this up on here. We could use officers like you around here... officers who care lol.
  16. Haya!

    I was never good at intros lol... I was the dude that always just showed up and everyone knew his name so there was no need ;) sort of reflects from the type of bike i purchased aye?

  17. ... if your going to clearcoat anything clearcoat the paint underneath the sticker(given theres any left) after you have the sticker removed that way it will be much easier for the next owner, or you, to take it off if you are no longer amused.
  18. Hahaha unless its raised and somehow shortened?
  19. A Hayabusa unless I can find something a little more compatible
  20. lets hope so... ive been practicing cones not exactly sure the spaces and offsets though? I just put my cones at a 10ft gap with 1ft of offset
  21. Anyone have a bike I can use for my skills test tomorrow lol probably not but worth asking... im taking it at sharonville at 2pm... my bikes not exactly the best choice for low speed menuevers... doable... but i like taking the easy way out
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