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Everything posted by Lost1888

  1. And this? ZeeRannasourusRex Junior Member From: Salt Lake City Joined: Jun 2009 Posts: 4 Quote: Originally Posted by Blitzkrieg Your points are all fine and good and I agree with you ON THE TRACK but I don't think you are taking into account the non-track environment. You've got: 1) RV's 2) Non-rv's crossing the double yellow 3) Gravel 4) Other bikes/riders to consider I'm sorry. I'm sure you know your stuff, but I've been riding on the street for 30 years and it's probably not uncommon to see me in a posture like Gunner is above when I ride the mountain roads because I want to make sure I don't get squashed by a Jay-Cee 30 ft. camper in the next blind curve. I look ahead - way ahead - as much as I can. ;-) Oh I assure you I am indeed considering street riding BEFORE I'm considering track riding. The vast majority of riders spend the vast majority of their time on the street, and your points reinforce what I'm saying even more. RV's, Vehicles crossing the double-yellow, gravel, etc... All the things that you face on the street all require you to be able to evade or make evasive maneuvers. Where the surface is less predictable and loss of traction can mean you'll impact solid objects. And if you are causing the bike to lean excessively, you are using up valuable traction that could be used to get out of the way. If anything the crossed up posture would be more acceptable on a closed-course, controlled environment, like a track. Unfortunately I used track only photos to illustrate my point because those top-tier riders have lots of photographers around to capture the proper posture. So I scoured around and found some street photos that probably better show what I'm talking about; Lower body is still on the bike - no hanging off or trying to drag knees on public roads. Head is off towards the inside of the bike, getting better vision through the corner, the bike is leaning less than this photo taken from the same vantage point. Notice how much more the yellow bike is leaning? Which bike is going to be better equipped at dealing with an unexpected slippery something, like gravel? Which bike is going to have more traction and more clearance if they have to make an evasive move? Here's another photo of the first rider; I don't think there is a good argument for why causing the bike to lean more, while hanging your ass off the seat (particularly on public roads) is better form. The more that bike is leaned over the more risk you are taking, the more traction and clearance you are using up, the closer you are to the "limits". The first rider (that inspired this thread) looks like he's doing nothing more than trying to drag his knees. Keeping your head on-top of the tank, while causing the bike to lean more is not giving you any additional visibility through the corner. If you've survived 30 years, you've obviously done somethings right. But that doesn't mean you have perfect riding skills (nor do I think I do, I know I have posture issues I'm constantly trying to improve). dp
  2. This? ZeeRannasourusRex Junior Member From: Salt Lake City Joined: Jun 2009 Posts: 4 Quote: Originally Posted by natedogg624 see this? thats wrong mmk I just happened to join today, but I had to say something. I don't know anybody on here (yet) but these are about the WORST examples of posture I've ever seen. In fact those photos are so bad, I may start to use them in my classroom discussions for examples of bad posture. It's about the exact opposite of what you want to do. Before you tell me I have no idea what I'm talking about, let me say I've been teaching MSF have been involved with race-track instruction for more than ten years. I've worked with Freddy Spencer and his school and am working with the GM of the new Nick Ienatsch Yamaha track school and have worked on teams that have developed several high-performance street skills. Anyway. this posture is dangerous. The rider is what is called "crossed-up". He is putting his head above the motorcycle and hanging his butt off the seat to try to get his knee closer to the ground. Why is this dangerous. First. this posture causes the bike to lean MORE, the more lean, the less traction, less cornering clearance, the more risk. Why do riders do this? First, the average human starts to panick at about 12-degrees of lean. Thats not much. By putting your head up, you have less sensation of lean, feel more in control - despite the fact that you are being more dangerous. Second, some riders really, really want to get a knee down so badly that they are willing to sacrafice good form. (not to mention that dragging knees on public roads is just stoopid). Correct posture is to lead with your head, get the head down, to the inside and low. This gives your more visibility through a corner, and results in the bike leaning LESS, less lean, more traction, more clearance, LESS RISK! Posture should look more like this; or this; or this; The lower the head, the better. Argue and insult all you want. but that posture (in the top photos) is about as bad as it gets. dp
  3. Awesome write up! To bad it all got screwed up at the end.
  4. Her's the response I got from a moderator. 06-19-2009, 08:31 PM Connman Moderator From: Denver, CO Joined: Apr 2004 I Ride: 03 ZX-12r I Race: Anyone! Posts: 3,087 rider position thread... I moved the "rider position" thread. We kicked the drama to the curb about a year ago. Take it elsewhere. If you feel you're being flamed, attacked, or harrassed, the most effective solution is to contact a moderator. A public pissing match makes all parties look bad, no matter how right or wrong anyone may be. Just let us know, we'll take care of it. Thanks __________________ Any twelve people who can't get themselves out of jury duty are not my peers.
  5. Likwid when you find this track let me know. I am there in a heart beat. Oh how I wish I had a second bike.
  6. Should have taken this comment through PM. Sorry. Good luck with the sale.
  7. It's a good thing. Not somebody I would want to have to deal with. I have been a good boy for a while and think he might strike that nerve and I would be locked up again for my temper. I love the web. I find it so funny he can' answer the question.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Blitzkrieg Glad you found it helpful. With your smart ass response above I doubt you'll get much more help. Asshole. You guys really have a stick up your ass! So because some jackass goes off and steals some other dudes wife some how I get thrown in with these fucknuts. My smart ass response? Where quote it So I know what your talking about. Screw it ask and you will receive! This is how it got all started! Ready? Hear me out. So I go on to my local forum and see this picture. I do a cut and paste of the picture find the photobucket album (which isn't marked private) and get some opinions on it. None of which are positive. This guy from a local forum is asking for opinions on a gunners form. Even myself who has only been riding for 2 yrs. know this is very poor form. The person who I will not mention names due to he didn't ask me to say a word. Did this all on my own to trying to get an honest answer on how this ^ is a good riding posture. Then I find out about this Brian thing get lumped into it. Which I have nothing to do anything with. Just a guy who has way to much time on his hands, which I'm aware of. I am told this Gunner character is a pop ass ass so I decide to go about it the way I did to get a response. Instead I find out this gunner guy is more of an arrogant asshole who knows all and will never be told different. Which he shows and you defend. The reason I started the intro thread was to convince you I don't have a clue. I ride an SV650 and am very happy with it. Liter bikes and rockets aren't my thing. Sorry I like standard bikes and touring bikes. 2 each their own. So here is the truth. Gunner is a know it all, I was trying to call him on it and it got blown into this Brian thing. You have proven to me your a ass and now you can Ban me and delete my account because I have no more to contribute to this dead forum. Rock On! Here was my final post.
  9. What I don't see any pic of Chubbz. Not that I want to but Neg. rep for what? IP you should be ashamed of yourself.
  10. He is Canyonchasers. He is one of the SVrider members and sponsors. I posted the picture in this thread http://forum.svrider.com/showthread.php?t=68782&page=415. He and several other were WTFing his form and I told them what I was doing. Since he know how to articulate the fuctional issues of gunners form he felt obligated to tell him his failure. And did a damn good job if I say so myself.
  11. I think they locked me out. I just contacted the webmaster. So I'm waiting for a reply. Piss ass little bastards. All I want to do is thank ZeeRannasourusRex for the perfect assessment and answer to my question. Oh well I can still watch.
  12. It's canyonchasers. Dude knows his shit. http://www.canyonchasers.net/
  13. What you have to do that for NateDogg? :sad: Now my pussy's starting to hurt again:wtf: You bastard!
  14. Here's a link to a private album http://photobucket.com/gunnerisgay Password is badform101
  15. What ever you do don't post them from a direct link. It will come back to here. Unless you want this shit carrying over. Either use a PB account copy image location and paste into PB download from URL. But we have them here and my hard drive. They aren't going anywhere for now. http://www.ohio-riders.com/album.php?albumid=247
  16. Lost1888


    From the album: Ohio Riders

  17. Lost1888


    From the album: gunner

  18. Lost1888


    From the album: gunner

  19. Lost1888


    From the album: gunner

  20. Lost1888


    From the album: gunner

  21. Lost1888


  22. Lost1888


    From the album: gunner

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