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Everything posted by Lost1888

  1. I'm sure I'll be back over there. Every time I go I learn new roads and enjoy the clean smooth pavement. My next ride has to be southern Ohio. It's been to long since I went down there. After I get my new tire, since my deal went to crap I'll have to wait a little, I will make it on a Bolivar ride.
  2. Alright home now. Great ride 27 to 227/27, some road that runs down in to Tedioute, 127 out of Tidioute back to 27 to 6 to 59 to Longhouse Drive, to 321 Stopped for lunch in Kane. Took 66 out of Kane to 948 to 666 to 62 and 62 to 358 to 58 and back my way on 322. The weather was amazing the roads were awesome. No mishaps! I did some pretty hard riding especially once we meet up with a local from Kane riding a Super Duke. Johnny that is a Bad Ass bike. This guy could ride pretty darn good. He told us where his shop is are next time we are up there he is going to show us some other nice roads. I hope everyone got out to ride today. IMO it doesn't get much better. Our stop at the Kinzua Dam. We also happened to run into a bunch of Mentor/ Willoughby locals in the lot. Chevellefan's teal 99 Sv650, a friends Ducati S2R, My 04 Sv650 Pepe's Pizzaria in Kane we stopped for lunch and shared a Pepperoni pizza. Very good BTW. And a couple more parked out front. Sorry not many pictures. If I were alone I would stop more. But making the other guys stop for me to take a picture just isn't something I want to do.
  3. I'll text you later tonight. Right now I'm getting ready for a wedding. I should be home around 10 or so. At least I hope so. I'm not one of big crowds of people. I'm thinking we could meet somewhere on 6 or 322. Maybe at the Gas station in the plaza off Rt. 6 in Hamben? 9:00am?
  4. Depending on weather I might be making a ride over to Pa again. I just opened it up for discussion at RideOhiohttp://rideohio.org/showthread.php?p=85090#post85090. If anyone here want to tag along it's fine by me. The weather does sound sketchy. Here is the route I plan on riding. Leaving most likely around 9-10am and getting back when we get back. Here's the route- http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Grand+Army+of+the+Republic+Hwy%2FPA-6%2FUS-6&daddr=North+St+to:PA-27%2FTitusville+Rd+to:Butcher+Knife+Hill+Rd%2FPA-227+to:PA-127%2FTidioute+Creek+Rd+to:Kinzua+Rd%2FPA-59+to:Longhouse+Scenic+Dr+to:Longhouse+Scenic+Dr+to:S+Fraley+St%2FPA-66+to:Unknown+road+to:PA-666+to:PA-666+to:US-62+to:Atlantic+Ave+to:PA-285+to:41.576673,-80.292206&geocode=FcB6fAId5nwz-w%3BFRhRewIdjlE5-w%3BFX27egIddXRB-w%3BFZomewIdjQBE-w%3BFeAvfQIdiTtD-w%3BFXlofgId0HBK-w%3BFfCvfgIdjh5L-w%3BFVxQfQIdOGlM-w%3BFW6oewIdeXBN-w%3BFYp2egIdAJZL-w%3BFcjdewIdqClK-w%3BFaalegId7uBE-w%3BFWyBegIdkmdE-w%3BFcDFdwIdcM89-w%3BFYiDeQIdSGQ6-w%3B&hl=en&mra=dme&mrcr=13&mrsp=15&sz=12&via=11&sll=41.544047,-80.229378&sspn=0.133361,0.220757&ie=UTF8&t=h&ll=41.693424,-79.453125&spn=1.064404,1.766052&z=9
  5. Velnara do you still want to sell your coat? We will pay extra for shipping. Shoot me a PM when you decide.
  6. If I do make it down there I doubt I will run freeway the whole way. I might catch 62 off 77 and run over that way. Something like this- http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=15th+St+SW&daddr=Navarre+Rd+SW%2FUS-62+to:Twp+Rd+356+to:40.355963,-82.304077+to:Millersburg+Rd%2FUS-62+to:Croton+Rd+to:5295+N+High+St,+Columbus,+OH%E2%80%8E+-&geocode=Fc5NbgIdwiEm-w%3BFUCwbAIdVrQi-w%3BFVK1aAIdQ4wa-w%3B%3BFbJQZgIdXaAW-w%3BFYoYZQIdhjUS-w%3B&hl=en&mra=dme&mrcr=1&mrsp=3&sz=10&via=2,3,4,5&sll=40.32142,-82.537537&sspn=0.543406,0.883026&ie=UTF8&ll=40.384213,-82.046585&spn=0.271451,0.441513&t=h&z=11
  7. Can't do Friday. I'm looking to ride Sunday.
  8. Sorry for your loss Turbo. My condolences to his friends and family!
  9. This has been up for a while. My wife took it when the were in Canada a month or so ago, I changing it to this right now.
  10. I clean 500 miles or as needed depending on gravel roads, rain ect. with K1 kerosene and lube with Chain Wax.
  11. PS2 and Wii. PS2 because I refuse to pay more than $150 for something I only play in the winter and rarely. Wii because it was a gift to the kids for Christmas. I don't really care for it much except for bowling on Sports and Summer Sports has lawn darts.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doTBT46wMvA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDwaWZoUAY4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xy4FXhkm6Nw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoA-ByjIf2M http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nC2-L4E2gRQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAsQfV6Pib0
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUxAol0wbak http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkuOAY-S6OY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hQgCJGNspI
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-diB65scQU
  15. Waz up gangsta! Or iz you really bangin thug? This is my set!
  16. Lost1888


    Hi. Where them pics at?
  17. My $10 got me this ^ And that's nothing and I'm damn proud of it!
  18. Have a good time and get plenty of rest. Make sure you take plenty of breaks along the way.
  19. Wing Chun is excellent along with JKD. I used to be into these 2 styles but finances haven't been good enough for years to actually train.
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