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Everything posted by Lost1888

  1. Kosmo I would assume your headed up tonight.? I'm contemplating going up for a little. I'm going to go ride around before and either stay out riding or stop up after 8 or 9.
  2. It wasn't the people I was with. It was the event in itself. What was to see and do? Look at the OCC, Victory and some other bikes? It was lame. The only memorable thing was some guy and his woman coming around the corner by where they were installing lights on bikes ran into a curb and laid his Harley down. All his buddies kept riding away and some people walking through helped him pick up his bike. Other than that it was dead.
  3. I would but when I went up last year is was boring.
  4. This test is stupid and I want all the time I wasted on it back! I did read every question but didn't answer them all. Some I did answer were answers closest to what I would say or do but not exact. So far, 13583 people have responded to this Squid Test Survey and have been tabulated. Of those responses, the average grade is 53. The last grade was 64 (from 0 to 100), and 21 out of the 115 questions were left un-answered. The average number of questions answered in this test is 47. A higher grade indicates a stronger sense of common decency, and a lower grade is an indication of conspicuous squidliness and general disregard for civilized society. This score indicates that the last test taker is a buffoon who doesn't take motorcycling nearly serious enough. These test answers seem a bit skewed however. The test taker may not have properly answered ALL the questions on the form.
  5. Mag's mention a sub shop around the corner for us to eat. It was very good.
  6. Yeah it to bad you missed it Kosmo. The place was packed and we had a nice ride getting there and back home. Of course I took pictures of some of the more unique bikes. Have a look.
  7. Most people I come across seem to "hate" individuals more than one's race. At least that's how I am. It's got nothing to do with race it's first the attitude then actions of a person that make me judge their character. You character is what I like or don't like. BTW I agree with the first post. It's just how it is and there is nothing I can do to change it.
  8. Ok I admit it I'm racist I hate white people. They have everything feed to them on a silver spoon. Oops I'm white and eat off a silver spoon. Sometimes plastic but really only at picnics. Oh well I guess I hate myself.
  9. We shouldn't be there much later than 6. Possibly a little earlier if everyone is ready when I get to a guy from ride Ohio's house. He lives in the same neighbor hood as myself.
  10. Nice bike Meanie and welcome to Ohio Riders.
  11. Thanks Kosmo. You should come along if you get a chance.
  12. Nice Bike Bucks1605. Welcome to Ohio Riders.
  13. Maybe when I have a different bike but no way on my Sv. If I get a St or FJR like I hope to in the next couple years sure but now I think not.
  14. You can say you've done it now. Plus your bike has got to be a hell of a lot more comfortable putting on those kind of miles. On my little Sv my ass would be numb half way there and begging me not to ride the next day. Just the though makes me ache. My theory is every mile I ride has to be enjoyable. Last thing I want to do is not enjoy the little bit of time I get to be out there. When I'm retired with nothing but time long trips racking up serious mileage might be more likely. But I doubt it.
  15. I know a lot of the guys on here don't do the bike night thing. This is a little different. It's a car show that has a bike night this week on the 7th. I am going to go up there like I have for the while now. So if your bored with nothing to do like me or just want to stop somewhere after work you might want to stop by and look at the cars and bikes. Here is a link to the web site of the people who put on the show. http://www.rnrcsm-new.com/?page_id=5 This is where they hold the show. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=41.390773,-81.46459&daddr=&hl=en&geocode=&mra=mi&mrsp=0&sz=17&sll=41.391177,-81.462636&sspn=0.004177,0.006899&ie=UTF8&ll=41.393487,-81.467056&spn=0.016709,0.027595&t=h&z=15
  16. My usual trip is about 400 miles. Yesterday was just short 380 or something. I like riding in S.O. better but I don't like the 80+ miles of slab it takes to get there. Most of the time I would take 44 south but that tends to be pretty dull also. When I go east it's about 35 miles before I hit some nice roads and sweepers. When I go south though I would like to get a hotel and stay over for the night and take my time getting home. But being unemployed the funds just aren't there for that type of thing this year. Every time I head south I seem to rack up the miles pretty quick and the ride home becomes more and more of a chore.
  17. Without a doubt. Someday I will get to ride a Duc. When I buy one.
  18. Sounds like a great ride!
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