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Everything posted by Lost1888

  1. I would say the function of a SV specifically the 650 is a commuter and canyon carver. At least thats why I have one.
  2. I understand your point. I have ridden one and do agree they are very comfortable. Although I haven't spent enough time on one in the twisties to feel how comfortable they are in my favorite element. I just made that statement to share my view of the riders I have met that own Busa's. I know of 4 riders that ride Busa's. For all but one of them it is all about the show. The one it not all about the show, for what it worth, the bike fits his stature and riding style well. Don't get me wrong! Some people may have this style bike for good reasons like you stated. But the majority of the guys I know and the guys I have came across on the road have a huge ego. Trust me I'm not trying to offend anyone!! You spend you money and your time how you want. I still don't understand the fuctional point of a bike like this. Unless you do alot of freeway travel or drag race. Just my $ .02
  3. Sure the Busa may be 4mph. faster that the 14 in a straight line. But I think the 14 would be a little better if you come across a turn somewhere in that sprint to the finish. Unless of course you are a the strip or salt flats. Not my style of riding thats for sure. Give me a break people! How could having a bullet fast bike be better for the street rider? Maybe if they spend all there time on the big road. But other than that I think having a Busa is all for show. "Look at me, Look at me!" "I ride the fastest bike in the world" "Damn I'm cool!" Good for you! Hope you don't become another statistic.
  4. The Vinson is a sweet quad! Wish they still made them.
  5. I bought a hugger from them. Good fitment, bad color match. I complained and the gave me $20 back.
  6. I bought this float tender at Harbor Freight 3 years ago and it has worked just fine for the $7 I paid for it. http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=42292
  7. Nice bike!! I like the black, it looks slick.
  8. Just out of curiosity. Are you saying the M3 is a dual compound tire? They are very good tires don't get me wrong. I just want to make sure I understand you correctly. Here is why I ask. http://www.sportrider.com/tech/tires/146_0702_metzeler_sportec_m3_tires/index.html
  9. I found this review on the Conti's. If you do a google search you will find many. This one here was one of the best I read. Hope it helps. http://onewheeldrive.net/index.php?option=content&task=view&id=475&Itemid=130
  10. Thanks! Still have a little paint work to do but she is basically done till I get bored with her.
  11. I just put on some Conti Road attacks. So far they have been great. Warm up fast and feel real good in the corners. A couple of my buddies have been able to get around 7k out of them witout any issue. I bought mine here. http://www.shadetreepowersports.com/cgi-bin/942891B1/mac/template.mac/loadHtmlPage?htmlPage=moto/tires/rear_tires.html I have ridden the Metzlers and the Pilot Powers and don't think you can go wrong with either one. The Conti's are a little cheaper though. 2 of my buddies will only put the PP's on their CBR 600 and Repsol. Don't know why but thats their choice so more power 2 them. On the Sv forum I frequent the tire of choice seems to be the Conti's. Alot of guys put a Sport Attack on the front (little softer compound) and the Road Attack on the rear. I have also heard good things about the Strata's and the Diablo's. I don't have any personal experience though. Good luck and whatever you pick. In what you mentioned will be much better than what you have now.
  12. I try to hit 174 and some other of my hidden favorites everyday. Even if it is only for an hour or 2. I grew up here and landscaped in this area for 15 years so I know just about every rd. There is some good riding but lots of cops and the speed limits are pretty low. Next spring or before if your up this way give me a shout and I will show you around.
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