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Everything posted by cmh_sprint

  1. I did all of that before I had horses. It boils down to common sense and having a modicum of respect/knowledge about the world outside of your personal bubble. Yes, the emotional side of my response is because I have horses and I would take horses over 99.99% percent of the people in this world. The factual side of my response is because I'm an old fuck that grew up in a different world. Differing opinions are what make this fucked up marble so interesting each day.
  2. If you watch the video closely the horse veers as the first big is pretty much next to it. Yes, if I am on my bike I pull the clutch and lift off the gas if I am in a cage when passing an oncoming horse drawn carriage. I will also slow and not pass a carriage that is going in the same direction I am until I can pass safely in the oncoming lane. Dogs will run to a motorcycle, bicycle, scooter, car, etc., horses will not. I do not slow down when passing horses that are in pastures either as they are in an area they are used to and most likely accustomed to vehicles passing on the road. Looking at the video, it was late morning or early afternoon based on the shadows with the horse heading into the sun. Loud noise approaching at a rapid rate with possibly impaired vision will get a reaction from a horse. Hell I had my horse bust his paddock fence down last year because I went past him with the bucket up on my tractor. I had passed him a 100 times on my tractor before but not with the bucket elevated. He saw it as a threat and bolted. As stated earlier you can never fully trust a horse. It was a dumbass move.
  3. The horse wasn't attacking it was in flight mode after being scared by the first passing bike. I have been raising horses for the past 15 years and my wife has been around horses for over 40. The first lesson you learn is you can never fully trust a horse.A bag blowing across a paddock or pasture can set them off. Horse have a huge flight instinct and will run if spooked. I has to do about common sense.
  4. I didn't see any indication she slowed down when approaching the horse and buggy. Dumb ass refers to both of them and anyone that does that on a bike or in a car. That is how people and animals get killed.
  5. Dumb ass. if you fly by a horse you deserve what happens.
  6. Great helmet for those looking at a modular design. I bought a 104 last year and love it. The field of view is the best I've seen.
  7. That is one of the creepiest, yet funniest things I have read. Only Gump
  8. So wait, he couldn't tell it was a person when they were 150 - 200 ft. away but he had good enough aim / vision to put one in her head. Wonder if the rifle had a scope. Something doesn't add up in my book. RIP
  9. So then you made an uninformed comment on something you could care less about. That is by definition a TROLL. I usually avoid an topic that you post in and this is the reason why; you troll this thread and after you have spent a good portion of the recent past getting after other members for making what you perceive to be uniformed comments or observations . You truly are a fart in the wind, blowing in and stinking up what ever you see fit.
  10. You make this too easy Duane. It wasn't a mud slide. It was a retaining wall for a rail line that collapsed. the wall was over 150 years old and had shown structural deficiencies, ala the parallel crack in the sidewalk. http://imgur.com/ahCs6Rx http://articles.baltimoresun.com/1998-10-19/news/1998292047_1_railroad-tracks-railroad-properties-city-properties
  11. not an act of god. Neglect on behalf of the city. there are pictures that show a large crack running down the sidewalk prior to the collapse. The crack was there long enough that there was grass growing out of it. You can here in the video, a gentleman state that the city had been there on numerous occasions but only patched the crack.
  12. if it is your first time I would suggest infield GA tickets. There are plenty of good spots to see the race and you have the freedom to walk around. If you want to get a good idea for views I recommend going to Friday or Saturday's sessions. The entire place is GA and you can get a good idea of the sight lines. My seats are in the SW vista, top row. If I had the money I would upgrade to the Penthouse seats in turn 1. Other advice, don't park inside the track if riding (expensive and a pain in the ass to get out). We park across the street at the IRL offices. $20 for a 3 day bike pass. Buy the lap pass and ride the track. If you are going for the weekend, and not staying downtown, make the trip in one night to see all the bikes and enjoy the party.
  13. retraction of article and apology in 3...2....
  14. http://i.imgur.com/VN1Z97n.gif
  15. I take my 7 and 9 y/o all yhe time. You have to deal with some language but that doesn't bother me as a parent. They have some cool things for kids to do between periods including a huge rod hockey table.
  16. Nice snag. I'm picking Jill up at 4:30. Should be at the arena by 5.
  17. I was there and this gave me goosebumps. It's was an incredible experience. You missed a good one Adam. I've heard that it was louder than the Nashville game last year.
  18. take a tour of the local meth lab(s) for daytime activities and after dinner take the family to the dog or cock fights.
  19. So true! Now that the weather is turning nice, taking the laptop and phone out to the patio to work for a few hours is really going to blow. I love working from home.
  20. Keep his contact info. In a year or 2 you could get a nice deal on ragged out side by side that just needs some TLC.
  21. The 20 cities announced were only the first round. We are looking at up to 100 cities. We have already put a large investment in the central Ohio area with the build out related to U-verse. I would imagine Columbus will be included in future phases.
  22. Nicely done Tim. It never ceases to amaze how many people are willing to spend money on a toy and not do anything to keep it functional or in safe operating condition.
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