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Posts posted by cmh_sprint

  1. Had a great night out on the tractor cutting grass watching the storms build and roll through north of us. Huge thunderheads and great light show. We got some wind and rain at some point during the night, i woke up for about 30 seconds. The bonus for the night was that I was finally able to shoot 2 of the 3 skunks living in our barn.

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  2. lol welcome to the club Matt! and Don't feel bad it is usually Joel that gets it.


    On a side note, does anyone know who the guy taking pictures was on the Skyway? 129 was there but there was also another guy on a Harley with a sign but by the time i seen the sign we were already bye.


    :) I was just busting Shawn's balls. I could care less. Like I told Shawn I'm too old to get pissed off about shit like this. I think it's funny, plus I'm an Ofeeshal bubby now.



  3. Great weekend all the way around! Met some new friends and had a blast riding. The Saturday night party actually happening Friday night was a nice twist. Already looking forward to next year! Glad everyone made it home safe even with the several issues that were encountered.

  4. A big thank you to Ryan for spooning on a new Road Attack and rebuilding my front suspension. Things didn't go as planned yesterday due to Racetech not sending me the access code for their valve set-up application. Ryan gave up part of his day today to finish the forks up. His time and efforts are much appreciated. The new tire and upgraded forks made a big difference, looking forward to fine tuning the forks.

    Can one of the mods please fix my spelling in the subject line. Thanks.

  5. Don't know but found this:

    Q: Where can I get an access code for valving specs?

    A: The access code should be on the first page in the top right hand corner of the instructions that come packaged with your Race Tech product. If there is no access code call or e-mail Race Tech.


    Thanks. We found that but there doesn't appear to be a code on the sheet we are looking at.

  6. Can anyone let me know what an access code to Racetech's DVS application looks like, format wise. Hoblick has my bike appart and we cannot find the access code where thye say it is. I have not used Racetech before so I do not know what the code looks like. Is is on the paper work or the valve box?

  7. Joins today to respond to a post that is over 3 years old....priceless

    Threatening a non-active member with death possibly leading to the ban hammer....classic

    Continuing the stereotype of a shallow gene pool in the Dayton area....epic

    No offense to the reputable members and friends i have in the Dayton area :)

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