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Posts posted by cmh_sprint

  1. Go to any CPD station and file a report. You have some of his information. At that point if your insurnace has to pay for it they can turn around and sue his insurnace company to recover the cost including your deductible. My wife and I went through this in '03. We were hit from behind in here new F-150. Police didn't take a report due to the weather (ice) and said to go to the police station to file the report. Truck was fixed by our insurance and we received a check refunding our deductible about 6 months later.

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  2. Sorry to hear this Ryan. I had a torn labrum repaired in November '11. I was in a sling for 6 weeks and couldn't lift over 10 lbs or do anything aggressive for another 8 weeks. Depending on the severity of the tear it will most likely be about the same or longer. The best word of advice I can give you is ask your DR. if there are any exercises you can do before your surgery, if you have to have it, to improve your shoulder strength and follow your Physical Therapy plan to the letter after wards. By the time you start being able to move your shoulder you will be amazed at how weak it is and how little movement you have. Also. if you don't have a comfortable chair you can sleep in, invest in one because that is where you will be sleeping for 2 - 3 weeks. It took me over 3 months to get back to 90% range of motion.

  3. well, and not just that, but his rhymes are cheesy now! As an example his "I guess that's why they call it window pane (pain)" is pretty dumb. He used to be hilarious and clever.

    The real issue is that he is 40 years old and has bank. How much angst and issues can you rap about at that age when you have matured and have bank? His first albums (yes I'm dating myself) were driven by that internal angst and hate for his life, family and the world in general. The same thing happened with Ice-T, Ice Cube, Queen Latifah, Dr. Dre so on and so on. There are not many rappers that have put out good efforts as they matured. When you get to a point it is all going to sound lame and made up because there is nothing behind it.

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  4. I thought you could still get a dissolution if you had kids and only if everything was agreed upon in the paperwork.

    I don't know if you still can but this is how I ended my first. We agreed to everything on paper (house, bank accounts, bills, etc. (no kids though, only my dog)), had a lawyer look it over, went in front of the judge and walked out after 5 minutes a single man.

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  5. But not everyone stays that same best friend. They change and become someone they never were. And then one day you realize they are not the same person you once loved. Ask me how i know.. :(

    This was my first marriage. My current wife of almost 15 years is fucking awesome. She has never tried to change me nor have i tried to change her. She knew of my habits, all the things i do with my fiends and has no issues. Wehave had our bumps in the road like everyone but i couldn't imagine being with anyone else.

  6. I got a good basic book by Scott Kelby when I first starting messing around with photography 4~5 years ago, and it was really helpful.

    It explained all the camera functions and when/how to use them, without getting too technical, which was great for a beginner. The best way to learn, as others have said, is to get out and shoot.

    The Digital Photography Book


    photography-on-the.net/forum is one of the most valuable resources I've ever used. The last few times that I've been on there the number of posts has been a bit overwhelming though. There are some really awesome faqs that ate of great help. P.s. Even though it's geared toward Canon users, most of the info is universal.

    Thank you both for the advice.

  7. I don't know about the classes or course topics. But I read books and learned quick and by trial and error.
    I taught their classes for a bit, and now a guy named Gary Walker does all the camera classes out of the Grandview location.

    Gary is knowledgable, personable, and ready to help. The class is questionable though, unless you really want to learn about the value of filters whose true usability died with film...

    You have immediate feedback with your lcd screen. Try using your AV and TV settings, and experiment. Really, there are only 3 variables to control when taking a photograph: The baseline ISO, the shutter speed, and the aperture, and the best way to learn them is to shoot...

    Thanks for the feedback. I've been doing some reading and watching some Youtube videos and it seems like the read and shoot the camera seem to the best.

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