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Posts posted by cmh_sprint

  1. Has any one taken the DSLR class? If so is it worth it or it better to do some reading and just try the old trial and error with the camera?

    I just bought a Canon T3i which is the reason for the question. I've had an SLR but never got deep into photography in the past but want to change that.

  2. Just an FYI. The Waaaa-mart in Marysville is tearing out their current ammo display case. Currently not ordering any hand gun ammo. But once it is moved / complete might be a good place to find some ammo?

    Thanks for the heads-ups. I'll have to keep poking my head in to check out the process. I lives a few miles from there and they haven't had anything worth while sine I picked up 6 boxes of Tul 5.56 back in late January.

  3. ^^

    Tried online for an hour ordering from 2 boxes to 10 and the site would not process and order. Tried calling, endless busy signal.

    Same here "we encountered an error with your order. Please try later or call us"

  4. You would kick someone's ass for jumping over you? I think people like YOU are the problem in this country, not others. It's nothing to even get upset about, you took no harm and suffered no loss. Honestly, who gives a fuck? Everyone nowadays seem to be a bunch of stuck up, uptight, sandy fucking vaginas. People get mad over the dumbest shit; it blows my mind.

    If I wanted to be prop in someone's circus I would have joined the circus. If I'm sitting in the park and minding my own business and someone fucks with me then yes I would have an issue with it. Again, it's not about being uptight, sand in the vagina bullshit it's about having respect for other people and their personal space.

  5. This is the problem in this country, no fucking respect. I was taught to show respect to the police, to people in general. What the fuck was the purpose of this dumb ass other than to get his 15 minutes of Internet fame? The tool got what he deserved. I'm pretty sure that if someone did that to me I would beat the shit out of them for invading my personal space.

  6. now I think another step I messed up on was not putting stabilizer innthe fuel over winter even though I did go out and start it once a week.

    That shouldn't be any issue. I had my wife's sled sit for 2 years with stabilizer in it. I started it up last month and it ran like a champ for the entire trip I took it on.

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