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Posts posted by cmh_sprint

  1. So I heard there may be some floor space in JStump's cabin? I'd like to occupy that space if I can get out of work...

    Sent from my iPhone

    That is if theBrown57 wants to take shadows bed since he doesn't think he is going now. I assumed Brown would rather upgrade to a couch/bed spot instead of the floor.

    If Brandon is out, you are more than welcome to grab his spot.

  2. the Browns just can't catch a break. I love it.


    Pilot Flying J headquarters in Knoxville, Tennessee were raided by agents from the FBI and IRS on Monday. On Tuesday, Haslam denied any wrongdoing and disagrees with the government's allegations.

    As noted by Mike Florio of ProFootballTalk.com, Haslam returned to the CEO position at Pilot Flying J in February after an abrupt exit by his successor. If Haslam was aware of fraudulent business practices, which the government alleges, and is convicted of a crime, the NFL could step in and suspend Haslam or could force him to sell the Browns.

  3. I can think of many places I pass everyday, that look similar to that structure and don't know what they make or do there. Unless there's a big sign posted "Fertilizer Plant", I'm sure he's just your typical rubber necker with a cell phone, not expecting to be in harms way at the distance he was.

    My comment was based on the assumption that he was a local resident with understanding of what the structure was.

  4. Wow this thread has really struck a nerve with the trolls. First is was KZ900 and his 154 posts since June 2009 chiming in with his bold, then edited to be PC, comments. Now we have mattm with his 129 posts since March 2009 swinging his Websters Dictionary around only to smack himself in the face. God I love OR!

  5. Yes it is a horrible tragedy and cowards like this need to burn in Hell with or without virgins, however is it just me or

    Does anybody else get the feeling that the WH is going to say it is some white guy/group affiliated to a 2nd amendment cause/tea party/religious/conservative group etc....?

    I hope I'm wrong, but they were pretty quick to jump out of the gate on this one with 'an act of terrorism' and 'full weight of justice' talk and not blame some you tube video and spontaneous uprising :nono:

    flame suit on, let the roasting begin

    The tinfoil hat wearing side of me says yes, not so much 2nd amendment related but a you infringed upon me too much so I am going to act out action. My initial thought was that this in internally terrorism.

  6. KZ900 likes to either edit or delete all his posts, don't believe me go look at his post history. If I remember right, he was wanting to beat some members up for talking smack to him, or maybe because people didnt agree with him and giving a hard time. Bunch of jokers on this forum, many of which who know eachother, and very few make disrespectful and vile posts when not appropriate, I shall plead the 5th on whom that may or may not be.

    Wow all I did was defend some Nuns and this is what happens.

    You don't need to defend the nuns. They have nun-chucks. I'll let you decide if that's a weapon reference or just an awesome pair of limited edition Converse.

    So very true. After spending my formative year in Toledo/Oregon Catholic schools the nuns are the last people that need protection. Unless there is a priest with a knife behind them.

  7. Clearly a case of someone blowing shit way out of proportion. Casper and I walked up to the firepit after MT told us someone started a fire when we had the pit that night. We asked a couple of questions, they stated they had wood left over and figured they'd burn it. We told them that was cool and envited them to stay as long as they wanted. Shat a fucking douchebag for saying we tried to start something, it was just the opposite. If we wanted to be dicks we could have said we have the pit for tonight and it is a private function.

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