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Posts posted by cmh_sprint

  1. 11-5-12 Hurting down and to the rt, thought it was another kidney stone.

    No blood in urine or burning. Can't be a stone.

    Get to the hospital around 1pm, seen around 2, then prepped for

    emergency surgery by 3:30. They remove an appendix that is 8"

    and is a wonderful purple and bleeding pink, it burst during the

    surgery. So i now have 3 very nice slices in and around my belly.

    And about 18 stitches inside, to bring my stomach muscles back

    together. I am still very sore and black and blue.

    I get home last fri. and sit around watching a beautiful weekend for riding just go by. And it looks like another nice weekend is on the horizon. Oh lucky me. Well I hope none of the faithful on here ever have to go through this. The only good note, it is an interesting way to loose 15 lbs.

    Ride safe all,


    Sorry to hear about this Greg. Glad you're doing ok after your little adventure. Take care of yourself!

  2. It happens on every forum! I have been on this forum less than a month and have already had 2 posts disappear. Some are just worse than others. I still have not figured out the rule about doing bodily harm that this forum has I guess I’m just not that computer savvy LOL

    Your post count say 23, I counted 23 posts by you when I checked all posts by you in your profile. Posts may get moved but they are never deleted.

  3. I'll see if I can work something out. I recommend Benny's for pizza, Lucky's for wings. If you want ribs, Montgomery in is about 10 miles East on 33 in Dublin. If you like Chinese. I recommend Asian Cafe in front of Walmart. Doc Henderson's if you want to go a bit upscale and Ole Bag of Nails for "comfort" food and good beer selection.

  4. That video just made me think about how much money redbull actually makes. Thats a lot of fucking drinks.

    Red Bull (drinks) has less than 8,500 employees worldwide. They sold somewhere in the neighborhood of 3.5 to 3.7 billion cans of red Bull last year. At the wholesale rate of $1.30/can than is roughly $5 billion just from the energy drink. They also have a mobile phone division and own 8 professions sports franchises around the world. It is an amazing business.

    • Upvote 1
  5. Great video. I love Guy . Unfortunately I believe he is a rider chasing ghosts. IMO he will do 1 of 2 things win the Senior TT or die trying. I pray it is the first but if it is the later he will have gone like so many of his peers, doing what he loved.

  6. What weight does that list actually hold?
    Where, exactly, did this source find the super secret ban list?

    I suspect this is all a ruse to get a rise out of gullible firearm enthusiasts.

    The guy is nothing more than a talking head based on cursory search. More post election fear mongering.

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