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Everything posted by cmh_sprint

  1. If you do that you'll have to change your name to Optimus. Those twins make it look like it's right out of the Transformer movies. That has got to be a kick in the shorts to ride.
  2. another stellar first post. A little background and introduction might be nice, in place of the urban warfare hit and run variety.
  3. +1. Good to meet some members I haven't had the chance to talk to before and to catch up with some I haven't seen in a while. I want to know how #1 sammich maker got a test rider on LeNko's Beemer, all 30' feet of a test ride.
  4. Sorry folks but I have to back out of this. I am an ass for setting it up and the backing out. My weekends in August have all been booked in the past 2 weeks. I have my sons birthday party, a end of summer family vaca and I forgot the Dublin Irish Festival is the first weekend. If someone from central Ohio wants to take over in my place please feel free and let em know. If you want to take the route I planned, I could scout it out if I have to go to Detroit for work next week. Again I'm sorry for f'ing this up.
  5. Just joined and now offering free tickets to the Brickyard. Are you harvesting organs for the black market. JK. Welcome to OR! Wish I could go.
  6. Go to any local stereo / home theater installer.
  7. cmh_sprint


    Where did you get popped?
  8. Welcome to OR! Look around and have some fun.
  9. time for a petition drive to get a repeal on the November ballot
  10. Ik moet het volgende timmerhout in droge witte eik kopen 2x4x8 - (1) 2x4x12 - (1) 2x6x8 - (2) 2x6x10 - (2) 2x6x12 - (21) 2x8x8 - (26) 2x8x10 - (22) 2x8x12 - (41) 2x10x12 - (2)
  11. LOL, but you could print my list off and give it to them.
  12. I am looking to see if anyone has any contacts at a lumber yard /saw mill. I need to purchase the following lumber in dried white oak and want to see of anyone has contacts. 2x4x8 - (1) 2x4x12 - (1) 2x6x8 - (2) 2x6x10 - (2) 2x6x12 - (21) 2x8x8 - (26) 2x8x10 - (22) 2x8x12 - (41) 2x10x12 - (2)
  13. fucking psychotic people. Never been in this area but looking at a satellite photo, my bet is on a pissed off farmer or kids hiding in the woods watching people fuck up their cars. It won't take them long to find the responsible party in either case. People that do stupid shit like this usually aren't smart enough to either a) keep their mouths shut or b) cover their tracks well enough.
  14. All set. Found a program recommended by Tech Republic, Offline NT password and registry editor. It took about 2 minutes to do. Thanks for the responses.
  15. Installed an update for my finger print reader and of course it fucked it up. My password appears to not be what i recall it being. Can anyone help with a recommendation on a safe bootable program that will allow me to reset my password.
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