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Posts posted by cmh_sprint

  1. If anyone is interested I can get tickets for the Foo Fighters concert in Columbus at Nationwide on September 22 before they go on sale. I can get up to 6 tickets. Prices range from $29.50 and $39.50 for upper bowl to $49.50 for lower bowl and club level. Each tickets also has a $5 handling fee. If you are interested send me a PM. Payment to me via PayPal will be required prior to the order being placed. I plan on submitting the order tomorrow night.

  2. Is it just me or is anyone one else thinking....That Dude, Todd 43 and Scottie stirred thier sperm donation together and had it turkey basted into Busahauty and Ringo is the result?

    winner, winner chicken dinner !!!!

  3. Ringo messed up the rotation of the earth and knocked it off its axis after doing 193mph on 270 which therefore put winter during summer and summer during winter. It saddens me. :(

    If only he had been going the other direction on 270. He could have fixed the change in rotation caused by the Japan earthquake and we would be having sunny and 75 -80 degrees.

  4. :lol: Dude, you posted that on page 1.

    I believe this. I rode in a killer one with you and your tires weren't even hooking and it was quick. Some of your buddies are 7-8 second stangs right?

    7-8 second 'stangs don't stand a chance against Ringo and his flux capacitor powered XX :rolleyes:

  5. haha im the one hiding behind a computer? you saw me face to face and didnt have shit to say, but now you wanna start talking now that youre behind your keyboard? awesome bro. you totally punked me.

    and like i said before, i dont have a bike by choice. if i wanted to go out tomorrow and buy one, i very well could. i have a few other things going on in my life right now that im focusing my energy on instead, so the bike is on hold. i sold my bike and my fun car to help prioritize, ive been on more group rides with these guys than you have, so please eat shit and die.

    and your bike wont do 190 - indicated speed isnt actual speed.....i rarely say this, but i think if your front wheel came off at 190 indicated, the world would be a better place. i'll be at your moms place later to teach her how to swallow to make sure a mistake like this never happens again.

    Count this as an IOU for a cold one sometime. :bow:

  6. Tire guy, at a trackday, told me that centrifugal force draws the valve stem core down and air escapes from the tire. Is it true?

    He replaced my plain plastic valve stem caps with metal ones. Indicated that the rubber seal inside keeps the air in.

    Seemed kind of odd.

    In theory it is possible, but valve stem covers would seem to negate the ability for the air to escape if there was enough centrifugal force present to effect the valve stem.

  7. Watch the stars under a rainbow flag, because everyone knows that a bachelor party without booze, woman and some form of gambling isn't a bachelor party, it's called a circle jerk. :)

    Baseball game and dinner?

  8. I just noticed that all models of BELL helmets on the new SHARP safety rating system are listed as the max 5 star. It's what I would expect from a helmet manufacturer that used to make all the military helmets. Buell (one listed) and Caberg helmets are also maxed out.

    edit: I would do $250 to have a BELL again.

    I love my Caberg, I just wish you could still get them in the States. Another vote for Nolans too. My snowmobile helmet is a Nolan rebranded as a BRP. Both have build sun visors, an absolute must for any helmet I will buy in the future.

  9. Don't get me wrong, I like the stuff. But like YSR, I'll suck down a case or two while beaching it on the East Coast. I bring a few cases home each time and still have it in the fridge months later. Kudos for expanding business and creating jobs, but my fanboy card may lapse with increased availability. :cheers:

    Edit: oh for fuck's sake... I post about beer in a beer thread and have to read every post to see that I'm now off topic.

    You silly silly boy. You expected a topic to not stray off the beaten path on a Friday night during prime drinking hours. I'm glad I didn't have a mouth full of coffe when I read your edit. :)

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