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Posts posted by cmh_sprint

  1. Japanese military has begun what can deemed for all intensive purposes suicide missions to dump water on the exposed rods. They are flying in helicopters with 1000 gallon buckets hung underneath. So far 1 out of 4 attempts hit the target. Thoughts and prayers for the brave folks that are now going to and have already sacrifice their lives to help bring and end to the immediate danger.

  2. I had a friend fight the same issue with his registration sticker for his snowmobile in Michigan. He was given a $75 ticket. He went to court, showed proof that he bought the sticker and the the DNR agent didn't check his registration to the judge. The judge threw the ticket out. I'd fight it. Good luck!

  3. Thats right, I said free!

    Its a 55" LCD 1080p high def Samsung 6months old in perfect shape. We've gone granola eating hippie and are giving away all our worldly possession and getting back to the earth, man! Cuz shes our mother and we cant sit around eating fat fried fat and destroy her while watching dimly lit crime dramas on this baby killing technology.

    Actually, thats all a lie...except the tv part, thats true...except that its a 20" (I think) tube tv with a built in VCR. It works too...so Im told. A friend gave it too me since he is moving and I dont really have a need for it. Would be great for a kids room or a garage TV.

    You pick up.

    Had me going for a second. LOL

  4. I wish it would rain more and harder to clean the roads. The dip shits that run our township don't believe in plowing, just spreading stone on the roads for traction. The roads out here are death traps right now. On top of that, the road I live on is now crumbling apart in large sections due to the ice. If history holds true, they will hot patch it then tar and chip the raod when it gets warm.

  5. Open good doors? I'm curious. Please discuss.

    I manage people with Cisco Certs. The NA and NP are good entry level, if you have time in job to back them up. The issue that has happened with the base NA and NP is there there are HS vocational programs that have these as part of thier offerings, there are a large amount of sites and tools that allow people who are book smart to pass them without have any real world experience. These people are very easy to uncover when going through the interview process. My word of advice is to pick a area of specialization (wireless, VoIP, router/switch or security) and focus on getting the Cisco certs in that area. Most of my team is router/switch and VoIP certified.

    The Cisco tests are hard and change every year or so. This is for a reason as the certifcations are a huge cash cow for Cisco.

    If you want and help or other infromation let me know.

  6. Has anyone used or know anything about Deka batteries (ETX12)? I need to put a new battery in the bike and they got some good press on Triumphrat.net. I did a search and the only mention on here was a car battery.

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