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Posts posted by cmh_sprint

  1. I'm getting ready to buy a new laptop and have narrowed it down to 1 with an Intel i5 -430m (2.26 GHz) processor and 1 with a AMD Phenom II Triple-Core N870 (2.3 GHz) processor. The both look comparable on paper and benchmark tests. I'm looking for any real world insight. The price difference is less than $20 for machines that are otherwise identical.

  2. :wtf: Its a thread, not a threat. As for the rest of that, no comprende.


    You dont come on here telling people to post up picks of girls on their bikes if your not going to post up some yourself. Lets see your girlfriend half nekkid on your bike....or your mom.

    He shoots and scores.....:bow:

    The initial post is like asking someone if they want to get high and then asking them to put out.

    • Upvote 1
  3. My wife told me about this yesterday. It will be curious to see if his GF and the other person that lived in the house with him will face any charges. IMO they both should be charged since they were feeding him and made no effort to help him, clean him, seek medical treament (until it was too late). Then again this guy should have never put his GF and friend in that position. Either way it is fucked up....

  4. I'm glad my kids weren't around when I was watching yesterday because holy fuck was what came out of my mouth when it happened. He had a bad day, to begin with he had to push started for the warmup lap because his bike died on the grid.

  5. Since it's a Chevy, a pint or so of gas in can and a match under the engine will give you a nice dark color to offset all that white. :)

    I'd go with the billet the chrome would blend in and the black would look like the gold bow tie had fallen off IMO.

  6. I have been pondering parting ways with my sprint for a kawi z1000. I would like to trade my sprint and all of her goodies for the Z, but I don't know much about them. Anyone have any thoughts or experience with the said motorcycle, or reviews? Thanks

    Wa wa wa what!?!? You're contemplating giving up the Union Jack for the glowing err, Rising Sun. The z's are nice looking and seem like they would be a comfortable ride. Good luck with your search.

  7. If this is open to all, I'll check with the little lady and see if the calendar is clear......

    Open to the the first 20 people. I'll send a PM out on Sunday to everyone. I'm sure that Ticketmaster will throw a few bucks on to get thier piece. Once I get the final price, I let everyone know and ask the you pay me via Paypal.

  8. I recieved an e-mail from the CBJ that gives me the opportunity to purchase up to 20 tickets for $10 a piece for one of the remaining games. There are 2 weekend games left Friday April 1 vs. Chicago and the last game of the season Saturday April 9th vs. Buffalo. The quicker I get a response the better change to get lower bowl seats. Is there any interest?

  9. Sorry, didn't know that was your spot... wondered about the shiny tire, too.

    The BJ's looked like ass, didn't they? 2 shots on goal in an entire period? None of the guys hustling on the ice at all? I wanted the Mighty Mites (Future Jackets) to come back out; that one little dude skated and handled the puck great, plus he knows how to put it in the back of the net.

    :) IMO opinion they have put up the chipping and driving nets in the locker room and booked the prime tee times. The March schedule was set form them to make a serious push for the Playoffs but then Mason got a case of fragile confidence, Nash went to sleep and Russell / Tyutin decided it was more fun to pass to the oppostion than their own teammates. Don't know if I'll go back for season 11. As for the little kid, my money is that he was a players son. He was head and shoulders above everyone else in all aspects.

  10. yes, and they adopted the ATT branding. which was a smart move. its a name that goes back to 1885.

    +1. When we bought AT&T, the AT&T name and image was a more recognizable brand on a national and global perspective so that is why SBC became AT&T. It was marketing 101.

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