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Posts posted by cmh_sprint

  1. Holy cow. My 07 Camry is $2k-$3k more (depending on "excellent" vs "good" condition) than I paid for it 8 months ago. And thats WITH the 20k miles I've put on it taken into consideration.

    How do I get my house to appreciate like that? Or at all, for that matter.

    Click you heals and go back in time about 4 years. :D

  2. I have heard about a lot of freak accidents but this is near the top. Thoughts and prayers to families affected. The scene had to look like a battle field.

    Flying bear kills two Canadians in freak accident

    Wed Jun 8, 11:11 am ET

    OTTAWA (Reuters) – Two Canadians died instantly in a freak accident when a car hit a 440-pound (200-kg) black bear and sent the animal flying straight through the windshield of an oncoming vehicle, local media said Wednesday.

    The bear's body hit the 25-year-old driver and a 40-year-old man sitting behind her and then shot out of the back window. The bear also died.

    The accident happened Monday night in a rural area about 25 miles north of the federal capital Ottawa.

    "We don't see (this) often, even if we live in the country. Lots of deer, but collisions with a bear and two people died? That's really rare," local police spokesman Martin Fournel told the Canadian Broadcasting Corp.

    Collisions between vehicles and animals are common in Canada, which has a healthy population of large wild animals such as moose and deer.

    (Reporting by David Ljunggren; editing by Peter Galloway)

  3. Well, you did say it was in Detroit. Maybe because the place is a shithole (or so I've heard) that the police are bigger assholes there. Maybe the majority of people there that have had their windows tinted are gangsta, thugs, and hooligans. :dunno:

    It was on my way to Detroit. Kenton in halfway between Marysville and Findlay. Cop had the look of being fresh out of school. Guess he is going to make his name writing tickets for tint rather than real crimes. I fully admit my care is illegal in several aspects but never expected to be pulled over just for the tint. Oh well no big deal, just thought I'd share my Wednesday morning adventure.

  4. I got popped by a Kenton City boy this morning at 6:30 on my way to Detroit. I about shit when he told me that is what he pulled me over for (20% all around). I guess he didn't care about the tinted rear plate cover and no plate on the front. I have passed so many cops State, County and local since I got the new car in February without a second look. As he was walking away after giving me the ticket he said pay the fine and to remove the tint to which I chuckled. FTP! :)

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  5. Anal Police Interceptor

    Anal Granada

    Anal Contour

    Anal Pinto (when you have a death wish)

    Anal Tempo

    beat by a few minutes...oh well

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