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Everything posted by jbot

  1. i've heard people buy and sell all sorts of stuff on this little site called ebay. you can also use google to search craigslist across the nation. there used to be a site called craiglook that did that for you, but all it takes is typing the following into google: site:craigslist.org fz1 and you can use the options on the left side to pick out time range, etc. you can also search "Discussion pages" in a certain time frame for things like FZ1, etc to search essentially every discussion forum on the internet. this is how i find whatever freaky thing to fap to for that hour. you're not going to find "alien starfish fucks 3 breasted blasian all holes accounted for" without mad google skills.
  2. it should be on yelp. i'm not sure what the address is, but it's off W130th or something like that. let me know if you guys want to go. i want to go back. my gf's review of the place is like the 3rd ever they got on Yelp. she's the reason i even know of any of these places... she scopes these places out and drags us to them. i guess i would too if my bf would pay for every fucking thing. god, i'm such a little bitch.
  3. aww that's too bad. i would've gone but you posted it twice.
  4. only if you don't post it twice.
  5. well, it's el salvadorean food, but if you like that type of food in general, you'd probably like the place. it's some good shit. it's definitely a hole in the wall though, and you'll feel out of place as hell. people are friendly though.
  6. if you spoke spanish, and felt ok with feeling like a total noob outsiders who stumbled into the local awesome mom and pop food joint, i'd send you to pupuseria la bendicion for some el salvadorean food. also, for some reason, their fried chicken is fucking boss. i've had some good fried chicken from all over the damn place, and literally, it is top 5... at least when i went, it was. but nobody there speaks english. i can stumble by in really awful spanish, and i can sort of semi read it, so it worked for me. they do have menus in english. if you're going with family though, just go to fat heads. it is much more accessible, and some damn fine sammiches.
  7. as long as your current protector is CE rated (which you said it is), it's fine and it'll meet requirements for open group. but yeah, if you want more "peace of mind", then a dedicated back protector is hard to beat. a chest protector is very good too... i don't have one of those yet cause i'm a cheap bastard but i plan on getting one shortly.
  8. if you want "good" food, check out greenhouse tavern, crop (they might be closed right now, waiting for their new building), mallorca (if you like sea food). pacific east if you like sushi, lola or lolita (if you like michael symon), b-spot (burger and beer, another michael symon joint), paladar or momocho (if you like latin american fusion type food), and a shit ton of other places. the above are places i go to on a semi-regular basis around the cleveland area that haven't been mentioned.
  9. hahaha you're a pal, marty! but i bought several pallets worth so i could eventually build my own "custom" bike out of zip ties.
  10. jbot


    every state i've driven in, people drive like assholes, myself included. i would say so far, LA was the worst, Phoenix being 2nd place for "almost full retard almost all the time". LA was the only place I've seen where the entire population was full retard full time, even past midnight. NYC and parts of NJ is up there, but as was mentioned before, it gets confused with "full retard" when in reality, it's just "everyone in a big fucking aggressive hurry". I won't even mention large cities in various asian countries because let's be honest... you can't classify that sort of chaos as "traffic". it's more like a "semi organised swarm".
  11. what am i supposed to keep my bike together with, then? lol jk, i'll have it
  12. what if you poke him during the 2 up ride?
  13. i would probably spend more time inside of your mothers.
  14. i'll be leeching off of trmn8tr in his F150 with a enclosed trailer. i don't remember details like color. just look for a obnoxious blue (and bits of yellow) 600rr with the number "99" haphazardly placed around the bike. Brandon has a pretty white daytona 675 with actual neato stickers and stuff, and his number is "11".
  15. you could hit up core to see if they wanna ride. i'd be in for a ride but i'll be riding at grattan. mmmm.... grattan
  16. maybe i will coerce the gf into going to this with me.
  17. jbot

    Father's Day

    i watched my almost 60 years old, computer illiterate, not very good at speaking/reading/writing english dad monkey around with the ipad we got him. he fucking smiled and giggled, and it made it all worth while. if you met my dad, you would know why this is a very rare and treasured moment. then i converted the interface to korean so he could actually understand what it said on the thing and then he punched me in the face.
  18. cool, thanks nick! if it doesn't sell tonight, i could paypal money to madcat tonight. i guess if i was trying to be a dick, i could paypal him right now before the guy gets there with the cash, but he's probably not that sort of guy lol also, remind me to give you the money for the rubber pad things for the pitbull stands (and you can bring them with you if you remember).
  19. some of the "long" rides i've been on are anywhere from 300-700 miles, but only about 200 of that is straight and boring... the rest of it is nice twisty stuff in SE Ohio. i like my car WAY more than a bike for that sort of riding, but i think i could see the appeal of it with the right bike and right set of roads.
  20. i am considering buying this assuming it's available later. i could paypal you and either meet you at one of the track days or you could give it to someone going to a track day i'll be at? i'm talking to my friend about this and see if he's ok with me keeping it in there (we go to many of the same tracks).
  21. now i don't have to do it into a toilet or bath tub
  22. I'll probably be there until some time around 3ish. I'm probably going to be there for the friday night event as well.
  23. very sorry to hear about your loss
  24. i think brandon the ginger should buy this so i don't have to warm up 1 tire at a time on craigs generator lolololololol
  25. last time i was there, i got there around 10 or 11 (or 2am, i don't remember now lol) but it was open pretty late. that doesn't mean they won't close it early this time, but there it is.
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