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Everything posted by jbot

  1. i'm waiting for the right moment... until then, i'll wait in hiding for the perfect surprise buttseckz much like in bed, it'll come and go faster than you can say "is it in, yet?".
  2. like many people, i've ridden with fasttrax (now motoseries), stt, and nesba. your first novice day should be with STT or the Mid ohio school (since mid ohio pretty much copy-pasta'd STT's program). depending on what kind of rider you are, fasttrax/motoseries is even a bit TOO conservative. STT and Midohio school seems to get students in novice up to their capacity (mostly safely) pretty quickly. Nesba was pretty hardcore, comparatively. I definitely recommend them once you are comfortable on the track and want to progress quickly. if you end up doing an STT day, and you get Craig as your instructor, he rewards people who kick him square in the nuts.
  3. this is hurtful this is true
  4. someone is going to give you a wedgie for making a history dork joke
  5. i was mostly confused and unamused due to the lack of your usual dramatic flair. maybe i was just looking for this: and ended up with this:
  6. when would they have to be picked up by? i'm going to try to coerce some siblings/friends in cbus to pick it up for me. i'm sure one of my friends down there will want one too. edit: just saw the part about cash only. i'll ask around. i definitely want one but it's difficult for me to drop by.
  7. i was really asking those questions since other people in this thread weren't part of that 4 page long flame fest. not that i necessarily have an opinion about it either way (i sort of do/don't) if your best reason for why there shouldnt be a licensing process is that "it doesn't help" and provide no refutes to data provided that show otherwise, then.... troll harder?
  8. licensing is only "necessary" because it is a felony to carry concealed without it. so is your point that there should be no law against carrying concealed (effectively allowing everyone to carry concealed)? or just leave the law the way it is and not have a licensing process (effectively not allowing anyone to carry concealed legally)? i'd like to know what it is you're selling before we go on a troll-off, UP. You jump between positions more quickly than a 3 hour long, 16 participant gang bang, in fast forward.
  9. it doesn't "prove" anything (just like your link), and the numbers claim that it does a lot more than "[not] change much when you give a license to carry". it say it correlates with reductions in violent crimes (not that it CAUSES the reduction). amongst many other things. but it sounds like you're trying for a different point altogether. are you basically trying to say that requiring a license for concealed carry is stupid because it hinders the ability of law abiding citizens to carry concealed while criminals will carry concealed regardless?
  10. since we all enjoy semi-invalid (or semi-valid, whichever way you look at it) stats and biased presentations of data, and in the spirit of the trolling holidays: http://www.concealedcampus.org/pdf/ccw_gun_facts.pdf
  11. oh, no, i agree with you. i'm just sayin'.
  12. i think he does it cause the later he brakes, the bigger his balls swell from the density of brass that accumulates rapidly as he approaches the corner. As his giant brass balls increase rapidly in size in direct relation to the ballsiness of the maneuver, the leg is forced to move out of the way. Once it looks like he's going to make it, they shrink back to mere mortal sizes, and he can move his leg back to position.
  13. that is hurtful. but true. fortunately, i have a voltron penis.
  14. if i had 3 dicks, i would fuck this bike
  15. lol kidding. still have to figure out whether the ape or the 600rr gets to be the bottom bitch for track days. gonna do a couple track days on both next spring and decide.
  16. i think OP should buy a slightly rashed up RSVR Factory instead. it's got ohlins everywhere brah!
  17. i think he should share with the rest of the class. the other semi epic thread is pretty much ovar.
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