Hai Gaiz A few of us are going to Nelson's Ledges on Saturday, July 17th (yes, that's in like 2 days) because we have nothing better to do. Also, a track day at a bumpy track is better than not riding at the track. also, i have to use up to certificates for motoseries/fasttrax, so fuck you don't judge me. anyways, if you haven't signed up by now, you're probably not going, but if you ARE going, you can look for us there. We'll probably be parked by the Pit In entrance. The roll call so far: me (int./open) skrewloose (adv) trmn8tr (int) walther_gsp (int.) notevenblueanymoreeyesore636 (adv) and his super fast friend (int) as per usual, i'll be on my beat to shit POS 600rr with yellow/black/cracks street plastics. for those of you saying "waahhh nelson's is so bumpy, wahhhh" plug that sandy vag and ride. it's really not bad enough to matter. that said, i'd probably be doing grattan or midOh instead if i could lolololololol see you there!