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Everything posted by jbot

  1. are they gonna release a tuono with the v4?
  2. ya, it's a track. therefore, i'm going to get pwned. even more so this time cause intmediate was sold out so i'm riding in advanced and i'm not sure where my pace will put me. i've been told i'm easy to pass though lol
  3. err, looks like i'm flaking out on this one. i'll be at grattan, getting embarrassed like usual.
  4. i would make it but i might be taking my bike to get safety wired up and then i have to try to put some track plastics on this bi0tch. hope they fit without too much hassle.
  5. if i used any more r's in "magicarry dericious" all the hondas of the world would lose like 50HP
  6. but what if you just want to talk about smurfs? or is that smurves? i dunno, fucking plurals.
  7. what ocean? check a couple cbr forums. there are like 6 out there (probably more) and they all have classifieds filled to the brim with oem parts. lots of it is crashed junk, but every once in a while... you can find some good stuff.
  8. i heard the choinese only sell the best fitting plastics on ebay. srsly though, aren't there a shit ton of OEM plastics on like 600rr and stuff?
  9. keeping my eyes on the weather.
  10. i don't dare google image search for "goats(e)" or "sheep" cause i might inadvertently trigger a DDOS attack on ohio riders photo albums. (you can tell i don't know how teh internetz works)
  11. sadly, no. if you plan on doing a lot of the remaining nesba days (i mean, there are definitely a good number of them... just far for me, but not necessarily for you) so it might be worth it... but if you were just gonna do the big baller day for 300, maybe not so much. STT is similar, but at $35 for the membership. the fasttrax/motoseries days don't have any membership fee, but for many, the only date left worth going to is beaverun, and that's probably uber far for you.
  12. chevy, why you gotta be jocking sambusa's style, brah?
  13. yarp. so if you already paid for the membership, don't worry about it. on the other hand, if you haven't yet, then... it's kinda pooptastic. hopefully, next year they'll have their membership drives where it's only $50. putnam is fun, and they have lots of days at beaver which is also fun, but this late in the season, hard to justify for me. earlier in the season though, i'd say it's worth every penny.
  14. quick, someone throw a lit match on it so teh cleve isn't the only one with the burning river. wut wut
  15. ya but you have to pay like $75 to ride in whatever is left of this season. i'm signing up for nesba next year though. i had a lot of fun at the putnam weekend (i only did 1 day but whatevs). nesba is 1 very well run org.
  16. proud moments but that is a hella awesome rx-7 brah
  17. paul has a forum called captain fail
  18. ...that is just unfortunate
  19. he should play for the browns lol
  20. everyone wins cause i can tell people that my customers donated the money (and therefore, it's tax deductible for them), it's nontaxable for me, they get their stuff, my expenses are tax deductible, i can pay my employees at a steep discount (or i can convince them that the FSM told me they need to volunteer their valuable engineering talents), and then invest a bunch of money in the stock market (probably also at a much lower taxing bracket) so when the economy crumbles again, I can ride it out on fake fedgov printed money that i used to purchase securities that don't exist or the values of which are outright lies. commence operation: #1 spend my entire net worth on building as big and gawky statue as possible to draw worshippers in, write it off as marketing expense. #2 justify spending that money by saying "with the amount of income, i mean, the number of souls we save, in the long term we will better serve god's will". #3 molest my altar boys. #4 prophet!!!! this is an infallible business plan. going to PNC so i can get in on some of that fed gov moneyz asap and earn billions so i can be pope next.
  21. can i open a "church of the CNC machining latter day saints"? cause that would just be boss
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