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Everything posted by jbot

  1. yeah, but where are all the flying cars?
  2. he just needs to drink the tin foil flavored koolaid. Then he will come over to the something something something dark side.
  3. you are absolutely correct, after a certain point, everything smells like mongolian BBQ.
  4. now we all know that RVTpilot fancies himself to be some sort of Obama appointed czar of deciding "who gets to defend himself and his loved ones" and those who gets to "watch helplessly as his family is mutilated and tortured and ultimately killed before his tear filled eyes... after which they take everything of value and then burns everything to the ground. And as the flames engulf his legs and the remains of his butchered family, he madly screams for death to come sooner and curses those who would legislate away his right to self defense with equal force as those who would harm him". jaaaay kaaaaaay!!!!111!!1!!! the latter guy would probably just scream for death to come sooner, not the part about cursing the name of RVTPilot. He probably wouldn't think of that, what with being burned alive and the unmistakable stench of his burning children. ...heh heh
  5. it's pointless, since it's already clear that privately owned establishments can set just about any rules they want minus discrimination. the internets is srs business. let's stick to things that are actually in contention.
  6. i'm not politically active due to my chronic laziness, but i'm with chevy on this one. i don't OC because I don't have the time or the inclination to deal with the massholes, and being wrongfully accused of disorderly conduct/inducing panic. i may attend an OC event if proper steps were taken so as not to needlessly freak out uninformed law enforcement, but otherwise, braver men than I may defend themselves until proven innocent. debating tactical advantage is probably silly, but bottom line, unless i was straight out to kill someone, i would never in a million years go straight for the chump with the gun strapped to his belt. then again, there are lots of dumbass criminals. so far, the only story i heard of an OC guy having someone go for his gun was a security guard trying to take some mall shopper's gun and getting knocked the fuck out in the process. that may have been a false story (i never finished reading it) but other than that, i'd imagine an OC is rarely bothered by anyone other than massholes and uninformed LEO. i think people ought to feel free to do whatever they feel is necessary to make them feel safe. for me, that's to CC on occasion when I'm driving through UP's neighborHOOD, but I think OC should be common place. and as far as chevy trying to start trouble... i don't agree with that at all. it's not like he went into the PETA head quarters and started spraying bitches with freshly squeezed endangered baby seal blood. He went into a gun store that was posted with signs that specifically states they DID NOT prohibit open carrying with a CHL AND teaches CHL classes, and still got hassled. Would i be surprised? not really, because working retail has the same effect to mental sharpness as phenylalanine to phenylketonurics but i'd wonder what they're feeding these retards. If i OC'd at say... a teddy bear store, and they weren't posted but they bitched to me and called the cops to warn them of columbine 2? maybe i wouldn't be so surprised and wouldn't wonder. i think it's also inconvenient to have to feel like you have to carry a voice recorder and a AG handbook on gun carry laws so that if you get hassled and possibly arrested, you have reference and untainted evidence for later. is it worth it to me to go that far? not at all. but for someone else? why not? they're not making me carry the recorder. live and let live. there are so many things to write about this but i just don't care enough. chevy: i applaud your efforts, and keep up the good work. hope you don't get in trouble while you do, though.
  7. jbot

    Want one

    go rape an ape instead:
  8. it was about a good as day as a track day could get minus nudity.
  9. it's looking like i'm not gonna make it.
  10. i was going to say "throbbing" too but that would've been a mouthful. or at least, that's what she said.
  11. if they total it out, buy it back fo sho. also, when they try to figure out how much to give you for the total value, find a couple of the highest for sale ads from dealerships for your similar bike and tell them not to low ball you.
  12. i thought UP shoved that in there without even spitting on it for great justice?
  13. will it be like touching an elephant ear?
  14. all i see is calendar award, sponsor, moderator, supporting senior member, founder of the DTC and a giant veiny black cock. seems normal.
  15. you mean... there is something worse than them taking our jobs?
  16. if you're not sure how it's going to end just yet, only get an estimate. don't start work on it. if they do pay, tell them to give you a check for the estimated charges. make sure the dealership gives you a thorough "no lube" estimate.
  17. jbot

    Gah, I want!

    Someone buy my fucking buell nao
  18. from everything i'm hearing, until you're going at a good clip in advanced, you won't "need" anything more than PP's or corsa III's or the like. That said, I could see how running race tires would really help with confidence. Personally, I've never felt my street tires slip on me in the dry, but then again i'm just running a mid pack int. pace. I think one of the instructors at Midohio during the max time twilight day said his corsa III's didn't start getting squirrelly on him til he was running 1:35's. at that pace, I have no idea how long they're lasting him. I think he said 3 days? re: the shinko's, I was just curious cause I can only imagine people who run shinko's run them because they are cheaper... but with prices on michelins these days, are they really that much cheaper? I can't imagine it's more than like... $20 bucks savings for a set. maybe i'm wrong and they're like a $100 bucks for a set. I could see the appeal then.
  19. i was always curious. what IS a good price for a set of shinko's? cause a set of michelin PP's or 2ct's can be had for a bit under $200. and when pirelli was having their sales, it was like $175 for a set of corsa III's, and i got my 016's for $215 or something like that. are shinko's that much cheaper?
  20. jbot

    Riding with dad

    i was going to ask why she had her arms wrapped around his poo
  21. marcella's is a fun place to go. better with more people, but definitely good enough for date night.
  22. i like the bt016's but haven't tried 2ct's yet. once i get done with these 016's i'll find out about the 2ct's. as far as the 016's, i like them just as much as the corsa III's. maybe the corsa III's lasted longer? but i'm not sure.
  23. someone close this thread so the mods can finally post.
  24. that's actually not allowable due to having too much coverage. try again.
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