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Everything posted by jbot

  1. i thought we already established pets are treated differently than lamp (read back over our conversation). are you going back to saying they ARE treated the same? where are you going with this line of thought? the reason us CHL holders don't get to kill scumbags that might curb stomp my puppy is because people are valued more highly than puppies. also, cars, light bulbs and even lamp. you do understand that it isn't black and white, right and there is a hierarchy... even if it isn't spelled out, it's understood. michael vick wouldn't have gone to jail for pitting lamp versus flashlight. to answer your "rhetorical question", even though it's actually purely speculative question begging, the fact that even conklin's was exposed is a perfect example of people going out of the way to persuade the free market to punish conklins (as well as legally). you mean, some random person or private organization DIDN'T decide to follow up on suspicions of animal abuse at conklin's, so they DIDN'T plant a confederate inside the farm, and DIDN'T release the footage to a large audience? I'd say that is going out of their way to do work to bring down conklin's in their own way. wanna bet conklin's experiences a dip in sales? although, that's purely speculative question begging, NOT a rhetorical question. also you use toyota as an example in an attempt to support the idea that free markets don't punish.... why don't you look up toyota's sales figures soon after the buying public found out about the recalls that you describe. for a "for profit" company, if a drop in sales and profit isn't punishment, I don't know what is (in terms of economic "punishment" in a free market setting... which is what we're discussing). if that type of activity isn't a perfect example of why the free market DOES punish companies for fuck ups, then this will have all been for naught because you would have to be oblivious to the basics of economics and finance to not understand my point (which, i know you're not and are actually quite savvy). as far as "free markets aren't really free", you're absolutely right. a true free market is a myth because there is always someone trying to dick with it. but it's not "not free" because you mistakenly think the principles don't work. they do, and you provided some great examples of how it DOES work.
  2. that's it. i waited patiently all this time for nudes and awesomeness, and all i got were some pics of larry the cable guy and not even a dancing kozmo. these fuckers are all dead i hope you're all pleased with yourselves. glad everyone is ok though.
  3. he died.... of a different stroke (stolen from random website)
  4. i was supporting my point that while they intermingle, distinctions need to be made between constitutional rights, legislation/law, and economics, and arguing against the idea that big government and economic regulation would've helped in this case. but ok yeah, i guess it's interesting kittehs are not treated like lamp. although i love lamp. i also love sticking to the subject being discussed, since i only go off topic when a gang bang is involved. as far as BP goes, we have differing views because you're taking my contrast of the two cases on a completely different application from what it was intended. You likened the two cases and said it would be difficult for consumers to "punish" conklins like it would be for people to avoid BP. I pointed out, in practical generalities, the reasons why the BP disaster won't have as much immediate acute impact on consumer opinion versus conklin's animal abuse as it relates to the free market's version of "punishment"... not a defense of BP. so yeah, perspective is right.
  5. i still don't see pics/nudes. the first one's dead. this one is next
  6. err... but the law does say abuse of animals is wrong even if they are property. most of the time, it ends up in fines or the animal being taken away but in some case, the bastards go to jail (i'm not sure if you heard of a guy named michael vick?). yeah the law says they're property, but as living things, responsibility is placed on the owner. i don't see any cause for confusion here. the market punishes by not buying the product and in the scenario you bring up, demanding that distributors not carry the product. i have no idea how big conklin's farm is, but i'm doubting the supply chain is nearly as diverse or as complex as BP's so I'd imagine it's much easier to keep track of where it's sold. Also keep in mind, negative press in this case is on a different level of severe because there is malice and palpable suffering being displayed on video.... in the BP case, there isn't video of a oil rig worker beating at the safety mechanism to make it fail, and it is clear that the disaster is very financially harmful to BP (versus the economical harm of beating a cow already fated for the meat grinder) so they had no motivation to knowingly let the mechanism fail.
  7. after all this wait, if there isn't excessive nudity, i'm going to curb stomp this puppy
  8. i thought this was going to be a slow ride? what happened to you guys? did someone get a little antsy and start dragging knee?
  9. nah, i was lazy and bought a 1.5tb external for like $80. and that's not even that good of a deal anymore. as far as "building" and external HD, if you're fixing up cars and bikes and etc, you can plug in 1 connector and tighten some screws. you just have to make sure it says "SATA" or "ATA" and 2.5" or 3.5" and make sure the enclosure you get matches up.
  10. i think we're saying the same thing. except i'm a little more pessimistic about regulation, i guess. again, i look at it pessimistically. If there was enough suspicion by some outside or inside party, to the point where a private org with no law enforcement authority launched a semi involved infiltration and investigation, i find it unlikely that this info wasn't at least concurrently reported to the poh-lice. but who knows. maybe they just wanted to get mad hits on youtube. regardless of the "typical" GOP platform, the CURRENT platform of both major parties is more government (look at the massive increases in government spending, across the board!). Social programs, I'd almost say they are equally liberal with the balance of who benefits being drastically different. As far as free market capitalism and laissez faire governance benefiting conklin's.... wat? free market capitalism would economically punish conklin's even more severely than socialist-ish or any other form of regulated market economy (in light of the horrific negative press via youtube) and the least intrusive of governments (even though most conservatives call for a more limited federal government, not so much state or local) would STILL punish illegal actions assuming the public believes the action to be illegal in the first place and that the law was being enforced... so just how "illegal" it is is left up to the public, as it should be. Unless you're saying anyone here is calling for NO law enforcement? but that wouldn't make any sense cause that's completely wrong.
  11. depending on what you were looking to spend, you should be able to buy/build an external HD with a couple hundred GB for about $50. if that is still too much, then i guess you'll have to buy it second hand. just keep in mind certain pr0n just won't delete, no matter how hard you try. or fap.
  12. OP has the link. you can't rely on everyone else to do your work for you, gawd! that's a good point. unfortunately, that is how government regulation works... using punitive measures for the sake of prevention. It gets the job done in many respects, but at the end of the day those who are out to do illegal things will do them when people who might care aren't around. so is this a gold star for "big government" regulation or is it something else?In this case, the only reason the guy is in a "government jail" is because a private org investigated these people and then handed all their evidence over to the people that are supposed to be doing it in the first place. it's illegal because a bunch of people voted on it to make it illegal. not always right, but it reflects the will of the people even if the people are a bunch of retards. for example, polygamy was made illegal. fucking retards. but i suppose i could see why you'd be upset about this if you wanted it to be ok for a sadistic and pathetic version of larry the cable guy to beat the milk out of dairy cows instead of just milking them. that is also a right guaranteed to you thanks to the constitution. say "thanks, constitution!". but yeah, the constitution doesn't say you can do illegal things on your private property. not sure where you are going with that idea. have you read the constitution? it can halp you properly apply it by not applauding unconstitutionally over reaching federal governments. although it will tell you you're allowed to applaud it if that is what you so desire. again, thanks, constitution! you're teh bestest! and then here you go into free market economics and mix it with misdemeanors and the constitution for some reason. you're right of course... once people heard about it, conklin's farm customers may stop purchasing their products as a reaction... so? how does that apply to the illegally inhumane abuse of animals? how does it apply to unconstitutional federal governments? capitalism is not a government, it is an economic system. what was your point again? nobody knows.
  13. it was entertaining to watch the disparity in handling and power between the yellow bike and that other bike early in the race. just amazing.
  14. oh i'm sorry, i thought you were saying that government's extremely capable investigation team uncovered this. Cause last I heard, the last gov org that audited that particular farm gave it a big thumbs up. But you meant it as a poke about how a law enforcement agency shouldn't meddle in the affairs of a private corp on private property even though the actions of the private corp and it's employees were clearly illegal since it's somehow relevant to private property... i guess... but yeah, they did a great job once a private org handed them evidence and did all the leg work. does this mean I'm should congratulate Obama for Mission Accomplished or should I just blame Bush?
  15. isn't mercy for animals a private org?
  16. that's why i got the 1125CR (and it does the job well), but I think a supermoto with a decent sized gas tank and geared for street riding would be the ultimate
  17. amsoil is the best, O'Doyle rules, and your mama only runs hankook tires... ...BALLS DEEP
  18. for showers to scrub the creepiness away, they really need to make a temperature setting for "kill it with fire"
  19. i'm just here to observe the gangbang, but not participate because while I might not be quite as distraught at being crudely courted by a female of mideastern descent driving in a blue car (or anything with a vajayjay for that matter), if this was a regular occurrence I could see myself getting fed up and if this instance was particularly fucked up, I could see myself wanting to choke a bitch/cock. But since I'm not the OP and I wasn't there, my 2 cents is that i'd probably just have a smoke a nap and a fapfapfap and forget about it.
  20. ftfy it's not that i think the US is anywhere near as fragile as Greece was, but the general attitude is remarkably similar.
  21. I'll see all you fuckers at shinko race warz
  22. jbot

    The New In?

    i bought 7 where's the "heavy mouth breathing" emoticon when you need one? oh hai
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