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Everything posted by jbot

  1. I certainly am confused and scared of these sheep. I LOVE that someone is considering you to be a leftist. DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT GENDER YOU ARE OMG. hahahaha
  2. No but really, why do you think the masks don't work? It's scientifically established that microdroplets are the primary transmitter of the virus, and it's established that even simple cotton masks are effective at containing and reducing microdroplets. Seems like a straightforward concept. We don't even need to get all complicated leftist science here hahaha
  3. "Only by adopting a new path—which means, in truth, returning to the original path of our founding ideals—will we again be a country admired and respected at home and abroad" - General Mattis
  4. What's the bike? should not be difficult to buy bikes right about now? Or is inventory super low on bikes too
  5. i should have mentioned that my scooter is electric. i think the howling whirrrrrly noise will definitely amaze and impress the ladies if they listen closely and don't talk too loudly.
  6. You just bought a 125cc scooter from me.
  7. i know. it must mean that masks and science are useless and absolutely not that it is extremely contagious and even people who know a lot about it and take precautions against it can still contract it when they're around so many people. you've uncovered the deep state, bro.
  8. @TimTheAzn oh look, you could rock this bad boy.
  9. Oh this sounds fun. Can I come if I have a scooter?
  10. jbot

    Let them die.

    I haven't been following HD very closely and don't particularly want them to fail nor do I care what they do since they don't make anything interesting to me.... But maybe that's precisely the problem. They should be the ones setting the tone for motorcycle trends and all eyes should be on them but they have been clinging to the same loser formula for years even as their customer base dies by the thousands every month. Their electric bike is a joke, they sabotaged their only half assed chance at the youth market, and like you alluded to: not even an attempt at the very closely related rec vehicles market. You can't sell stickers/shirts your way out of a dying market in a long challenged segment like motorcycles. Even the Corvette went mid-engine eventually because they knew they had reached the end of that road. Harley needs a serious overhaul but it might already be too little too late.
  11. i hope there will be cuddling.
  12. You guys should race. And then kiss.
  13. I know this thread is mainly for us to have fun and poke at each other with things and I like to think mostly in mutual respect and love but... please don't end up like this dude. https://www.insider.com/ohio-man-veteran-died-coronavirus-mask-facebook-posts-2020-7?amp I didn't know him personally, and I like to think you guys know better than to do the shit he was doing but this guy was younger than me (and younger than the vast majority of the people I know here) and it only took a couple days for things to go hell. I'm assuming he had other things going on that made him particularly susceptible to the symptoms.
  14. Ohh if I send a membership request make sure I get accepted
  15. The concerns about touching the masks and touching other stuff are all valid and everyone should be trying harder. Beating this dead horse is getting old but try to remember that the current accepted primary method of transmission is by far via the microdroplets of water/saliva/phlegm/semen that you all expell from your mouth/sinus cavities/throat/lungs. Even a cotton mask, when worn properly, reduces that transmission by a lot even if only 1 person wears it. Ideally most effective when everyone is wearing it. So keep your cum burps to yourselves by wearing a mask and try not to give other people all the germs. K thx bai
  16. i bet you wouldn't be willing to contract coronavirus like a fucking legend and then breathe the same air as your elderly or otherwise vulnerable family member or friend because deep down, you're not as retarded as this image.
  17. Maybe consider sending gif files so they can be extra throbbing veins, really capture the kegel patterns
  18. I just hope you tell him all the hurtful things I said about your penis, in graphic veiny detail
  19. anyone notice how they're all white dudes? This is why I think it's finally time @Uncle Punk became mod. we need to get a black guy on the mod team. he'll be like our Obama, and then I'll bide my time until i can begin my unadulterated fascist reign of tyranny
  20. it's always a good thread when @Uncle Punk has to come on to say his bit about how over-moderated this site is. someone types up greatest hits highlights list of memorable OR moments, and @NinjaDoc writes up a nice long heart felt love letter to OR, and somebody has to appeal to our good nature for the sake of the noobs. also, it was 1.86$ or however idiotic way that dildo wrote it back then
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