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Everything posted by jbot

  1. jbot


    i'm going to check out the buell dealership down the street from my office
  2. i think it grows on you. like a fungus, or a benign tumor. you start naming it, and pet it. i'm hoping they did that cause it's moarr aerodynamic-like.
  3. i liked how he turned the guy on his side, all gentle like. like he was tucking him into bed after a long night of love making.
  4. i think at this point, we oughta let the owner(s) (or whoever will be directly implicated to OR as a corporate/business entity or otherwise) decide whether they want to go through the trouble or concern of being held liable if something went wrong. just thinking out loud, I'd think that if a track instruction org (STT, NESBA, etc) was hired to manage it, or better yet, if people simply coordinated to sign up for a day/weekend en mass in advance (to ensure getting in together), the level of involvement and liability should be the same as when a group ride is arranged on the forum, or a large event is held under the OR name. it'd be a different story if OR simply rented a track and tried to manage/run the track day by itself. that would just be asking for trouble. to be sure, maybe Monte or someone who is a law professional could pipe up and give us some input regarding liability in the various scenarios.
  5. it looks like the bastard-superchild of bi-mota and ducati.
  6. so dildo ornament is a no go, then? come on... what if it was red and green striped?
  7. I don't think putting some competition into the mix would hurt. We can approach all the major track instruction organizations in the area to submit proposals. Just off the top of my head: STT, NESBA, fasttrax, apex2apex, curve chasers If we can get a roll call of interested riders, acceptable locations, and decide whether we're ok with weekday or it should be a weekend day or a whole weekend, that should be enough info for the orgs to come up with a proposal. I'd definitely be in. I'd suggest a whole weekend (to learn the track moarr bettar). For a track, I'd suggest one of the following: Midohio, Bluegrass, BeaveRun, Grattan, Putnam, Nelsons, Gingerman (in that order of preference) I've ridden with STT and Fasttrax this year, so just based on my limited experience, I'd say I'd lean towards STT if they can be competitive on price. Not to offend anyone, but in my narrow minded opinion, STT provided the superior instruction and management. I've also heard that NESBA has a very high level of quality for instruction. I've not heard much about apex2apex nor curve chasers.
  8. jbot


    Over 3000?!!!?!?!?!?11!1111
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2k4iZqbDsMs they don't call me Chin Connery fo nothin' son!
  10. you'll have to excuse her engrish. she very often makes the mistake of mixing up "horse" with "baby penis". now, yo mama on the other hand... she knows her chinese. she always asks for combo #2: Kok In Bak Door. Who would blame her? Only 5 dorra.
  11. it also looked like the vette bumped the porsche from behind into the last corner and almost made the porsche lose control? i'm no expert, and drivers shouldn't try to get vengeance, but to lose the lead (and the race) because he got bumped from behind and almost lost control seems a bit unfair as well. and obviously, what the porsche did to the vette was a quite a bit more drastic than a rear bumper tap. nonetheless. i think both drivers were put on probation for 2 races because of all that.
  12. tell us a couple things: Budget Used or new Purpose of the bike: trackdays, drag strip, club racing, back roads, starbucks, etc? How heavy are you? Are you going to need a second seat? full fairings, half fairings, no fairings? things you can do: go sit on a bunch of bikes, and see what fits you best. Start reading up on multiple bike shoot outs... you'll come to the same conclusion so many others have: modern day sportbikes in the same displacement range (unless you're a kawi or triumph and don't know how to fit in) are basically separated by a hair in terms of performance. finally, don't listen to the drama llamas, fighting over who can give the best advice. hyuk hyuk
  13. i'mma take all those bishes on this:
  14. i'm going to get a special stamp and badge made. you have to be specially qualified to judge "baller-ness".
  15. tell her your furnace keeps making minor exploding noises sometimes, or other times doesnt work at all... but strangely, you smell gas when it's "not" working. that should get her liability alarm bells ringing.
  16. oh, it's ok. the laser is attached to my Sig GSR. They just don't know what to do when it's in on their forehead. HAW HAW HAW disclaimer: I would never shoot a deer without a hunting license, and certainly not in a area that I'm not supposed to be hunting/shooting in.
  17. deer hang out on my lawn all day. i found out they, like teh kittehs, like to follow the laser around.
  18. now, don't take this the wrong way, but the i've found that the non-"mainstream" pr0n seem to leave a smaller virus footprint on my computer. bukkake all the way, son! virus free since dos 3.1
  19. jbot

    i've been ridin' dirty, as they say.

  20. jbot

    2004 gsxr 750

    my one friend who i was helping out is now happily living (and paying rent) at his new place. the gf has an interview soon, so hopefully, i'll only have to deal with the puppy. i'm thinking i'll make a doggie sized hamster wheel that feeds a generator, so he can work off all that energy and earn his kibble in electricity for once. that, or he'll make a fine coat.
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