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Everything posted by jbot

  1. i somehow woke up without an alarm at 8:30am. the world is coming to an end. i'll post this up in NE riding section in case anyone else wants in.
  2. it's "ASAIN GAI OMG" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkGbDsIU5So
  3. if anyone is up for a ride on sunday afternoon, this is what my lazy ass plans are: meet up for early lunch by 11AM at winking lizard in peninsula: 1615 Main St, Peninsula, OH 44264-9754 ride out for as long as we want. the end. so far it's just isaac's papa and me.
  4. if people are planning to ride in the valley view area, post up some details. i want to do an easy ride tomorrow late morning/afternoon since it's going to be nice. preferably, we can meet for lunch, then go for a nice scenic ride through the valley view area into the bath area and etc. nothing fancy.
  5. i was saying i'm going to be too slow and frustrate the hell out of you if you ride behind me. you wouldnt be the first, and won't be the last.
  6. lol i'm kidding, i've never ridden with you and i'm sure you're the gentlest passer since the downy bear. it'll be a good ride either way. just don't say i didnt warn ya!
  7. no wai, i'm not going to your inevitable angry frustration mid corner inside pass hanging over my head! besides, i technically got my bike after you did, so i get to be back marker.
  8. i'd look in the range of EX500 (ninja 500r whatever) or SV650. I'd say 250, but you can usually find a EX500 for just about the same price range, and they'll have equal resale value if you're buying used. I think the SV has a bit better suspension, but i'm going by what i've heard, not first hand experience. that said, the EX500 was plenty fun on the back roads.
  9. no that was a 1 time deal. i'm paranoid enough riding my own bikes on the street... it was that much worse when i was riding my friend's bike. that said, the EX500 is just awesome and super comfortable.
  10. i want this vinyled onto my honduh
  11. you can meet us at the dairy queen/marathon (attached building) off of exit 93 on 77S (about 30 mi south of canton). i think we're meeting at or leaving at 9:30am. i'll be the red 1125CR in the back lulz oh the above is for saturday morning, by the way.
  12. if it's mostly for commute and the occasional back roads, then grab yourself a 2pc textile suit. it'll be perfect to wear over your work clothes on the commute, and will serve just fine on a quick jaunt in the back roads. if you see more back roads in the future, then get 2pc leathers. as far as boots, there are always some on clearance, but i'm sure you can find something in your size on 13x forums (WERA forum). the SV650 will be plenty of power for shits and giggles on the street. if you've raced go karts on tracks, maybe 60~70HP on 350lbs of bike won't be enough for you (not sure what kind of power the race karts have).
  13. you should ALWAYS form your bike budget with buying gear in mind if you're a new rider. at minimum, you should have: full face helmet padded and armored leather gloves (gauntlet type is preferred) jacket with padding (leather is preferred) boots that go up past your ankles... riding boots are better. jeans I'd also suggest wearing underwear for all those "OH FUCKING SHIT!" moments you'll have. those are just my opinions on gear necessities. you can do whatever you want. you're old enough to buy and ride a bike, and i'm not your mommy, so i won't tell you what to do. plenty of gear on clearance at iron pony, or bike stores online. newenough is a popular one. if you do your research and know what you want, you can score some deals on ebay. personally, i'd just get on the WERA board and just buy some used gear for cheap. this all also depends on what kind of riding you plan to get into. are you gonna go to starbucks and back? are you going to the track? back roads? stunting? motorboating? if you KNOW you're going to do trackdays, just pass go and buy a used set of 2pc leathers. then you'll have a jacket for casual riding, and zip on pants for when you do some back roads or track.
  14. the looks shouldnt matter too much for your first bike since, per your own post, you're going to drop it a couple times while you're learning to ride it. if it were me, i'd get the sv650 naked with a small windscreen.
  15. also, the ninja 650r is a nice comfy sporty bike. should be affordable as well right about now. maybe a bit too new, but i'm sure there are deals around.
  16. this is just my opinion, but the EX500 is a fantastic bike to ride in any situation. the SV650 (and S model) would be great as well. stick to a fuel injected low displacement V twin. they hold their value very well, they have enough "oomph" to keep you happy, and get great gas mileage. the SV650 is a particularly great handling bike.
  17. jbot

    they turn...

    that just sucks. i wonder if he would've made it if he leaned off the bike moarr?
  18. tell him he has adorable, undeniable, pleading hillbilly puppy eyes.
  19. that's basically what i did. he asked me for a 10mm wrench and i was like, "I haz a 8mm, 11mm, and 12mm lol. i'm helping!"
  20. the bike will have to be used fo sho. does the car have to be new, or can it also be used? if the bike and car are both used with total budget of 25K, go with: car: Dodge Magnum RT AWD (get a 08 if you can, but you can easily get an 06~07 for under 20K). it has AWD, can haul an enclosed trailer, has 340HP and a shitload of torque and STILL gets about 30mpg on the highway (not when it's hauling something though) bike: SV650s is a great suggestion. I'd also suggest a 600F4i as the quintessential comfy yet very sporty bike. Tpoppa's selling his for less than 4K i think. that should be very close to budget after tax. If the car has to be new, you'll be very limited. assuming your bike choices are the same, for a car I'd personally go with a VW GTI, or a Civic Si (sedan or coupe). Not sure how much the genesis coupe is. Can't you get a mustang or camaro or something in a V6 for around 20K?
  21. so you're buying a car (budget of $25K) AND a bike? a sportbike? is the budget of $25K for both car AND bike? for car, do you want RWD, AWD, FWD or does it not matter? how big does it need to be? roadster? 2+2, or 5 seats or moarr? for bike, if you want something moarr "sportbike" like, how uncomfortable are you willing to go? or do you want it to be comfy? do you want fuel injected?
  22. i kill all my food with mind bullets. that's telekinesis, kyle
  23. lol. too many. i'm going to go on an aggressive down sizing campaign this coming spring. When it's all over, I should have 3 bikes left. lol, i was paid with a tongue lashing for being incompetent in every way. the most I did while he worked on my bike was to chant "I'm helping! I'm helping! durr" and get in his way. also, i made completely obvious suggestions which landed me many eye rollings.
  24. i honestly think the track day bike rental is a fantastic idea (even if it's JUST for novice days). just make sure you get together with a good lawyer to make a pretty solid rental agreement (as in, you crash it, you buy it). You can even put together group packages where you provide the trailer and bikes. that, or full frontal nudity.
  25. Earlier today, I called DucRX (Isaac's Papa) to come over and install the handlebar kit on my new Buell 1125CR. Pauly came the same day, and got to work. A couple hours later, things were not looking too good because of widely known issues with the cables included in the kit (unfortunately, they were not widely known to me til today after talking with Pauly and consulting some Buell forums lol). Despite this problem, Pauly stuck around for a couple hours more after that, trying to diagnose the problem, and ultimately got around the issues for the most part despite having shit for parts (and instructions) to work with. With the exception of my yamahahaha, Pauly has worked on every single one of my bikes so far, and I've got nothing but happy thoughts when I think about the work he's done. Even this job, with the shit for parts and directions... it just shows his expertise with bikes of all kinds and ability to work around a problem. If any of you are trying to find someone who is just a natural with bikes and about as stand up as motherfucking Lincoln, Pauly's your guy. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend him to anyone, any bike, any problem, any time.
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