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Everything posted by jbot

  1. i think he has a jet powered 1 of everything. that man is truly obsessed.
  2. we need a wide angle shot of Jay Leno's "garage" (more like a damn parking lot). He has a veritable freak show of cars in his collection.
  3. ok nvm, i think i'm riding saturday. lulz
  4. 3 words: strenuous lip service
  5. don't be ridiculous. here, have this training pamphlet: for serial though. it's not very special or new. i didn't think anything needed changing per se, since even the most recent "offenders" if you can call them that, were punished pretty thoroughly without any new rules required. But then again, that's the point really... there are no new rules. just an announcement that the old rules will be more consistently enforced.
  6. i'm going to try going riding on sunday into SE ohio. I hope to have my bar risers on by then, so i'll be comfy.
  7. you can buy mine for a mere 7K. i kid
  8. email I got from a dealership: we have one 2008 black 1125R left. Do you have any interest in this bike? Please give me a call. Regards, Hank Taylor American Harley Davidson & Buell 5436 Jackson Rd Ann Arbor, MI 48103 734-747-8008
  9. is there like some proprietary thing to connect a HDD to the xbox? it's not like SATA or anything like that?
  10. I was just thinking "can cows have DSL's? if so, who could blame the poor guy?" and then i realized I'd be leaving myself wide open for a bad ass yo mama joke.
  11. before i pass judgment, i'm going to have see a pic of said cow
  12. i was redistributing the props wealth to his benefit. i thought you would be pleased! ....heh heh
  13. nice article. i'm no where near needing such fancy tires, but that is good info regardless.
  14. i'm with IP. the reason i bought my ape was cause it never tried to pretend to be a duc.
  15. jbot


    i love the cr. i'll love it moarr once the bar risers are on.
  16. happy belated bday! hope you got to do a bday ride
  17. jbot


    if i ever get the fucking thing, i'll let you know. wtf, how long does it take to get bar riser kits in?
  18. only furries for me. sry.
  19. cookie crisp and whatever i have.
  20. was it OVER 9000?!?!?!?!!!1111!!11!!
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