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Everything posted by jbot

  1. jbot

    2004 gsxr 750

    it's definitely a very distinct exploding noise. kinda like when you have the grill closed, then you open up the gas (no ignition) for a while and THEN you turn on the ignition and it goes WWWHHHOOOOOOOOOM!!! (if you left the gas on for a while)
  2. jbot

    my new toy

    that is chock full of baller
  3. i think they have one, but it costs more than my soul. ok, it's more than 2 fitty, but it's damn expensive.
  4. jbot

    2004 gsxr 750

    nah, the current furnace works, it just keeps making these miniature exploding noises (including shaking the walls on the "big" ones lol). it's actually been doing it for a few years, but it only became an issue when the gf moved in. she was all like "waahhh, it's coooold and the furnace makes exploding noises!". back when i lived by myself, i was gone for 12+ hours a day at my shop, and when i got home, i just went to sleep after a couple hours of relaxing, and since i like it a bit cold when i'm sleeping anyway, it was never an issue since it was only on to keep the house from freezing. but now, it's on all day (set to 72 grrr) so during the really cold months, the bill gets ridiculously high AND it explodes all the time. so yeah. that's the story.
  5. jbot

    2004 gsxr 750

    lol nothing yet i keep getting distracted by that damn dirt bike
  6. jbot

    2004 gsxr 750

    i've seen this bike only once back in spring, and i still remember it because it was in such top condition. very nice bike. i'd pick it up if i wasn't so shabby on the track with my 600rr.
  7. lol yes, a push button would be nice... but i think it's good for me to start with the "basics" (although, this bike is pretty well loaded with goodies, from what i'm told). also, i found out very quickly that i'm a HUUUUUUUGE pansy ass bi0tch when it comes to hill climbs and descents. i thought i was going to cry cause i kept getting stuck in the middle of the uphill. also, i kept yelling "ohshitohshitohshitohshit" on the down hills. i need to get this thing figured out. at this rate, i'll never be able to do a jump.
  8. that's just ignant, kay? it's just... it's just... ignant
  9. holy crap, i didnt know it could even do that...
  10. jbot

    2003 yz450f

    that's a nice price. the 05 yz250f i got was for 1800.
  11. From the Nobel Prize website, regarding the peace prize: "and one part to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity among nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses." the above quote is a translation posted by the Nobel Prize website, so it should be about as accurate a translation from the actual will of Mr. Nobel as possible. I think some have gone overboard in criticizing Obama for receiving the prize... let's all keep in mind he did not award it to himself. He even goes as far as saying he has not done anything to deserve it (he did add the "YET" at the end... puzzling). However, I do think the bulk of the criticism is towards the Nobel prize group themselves, for awarding it to someone who himself understands he did not deserve it, and thereby, cheapening the prize and even opening themselves to becoming a politically motivated group, rather than simply awarding the prize to those who are most deserving. I personally think Tyson should get it, for not actually killing/raping/eating people, and better yet, not even THREATENING to killing/raping/eating people.
  12. alright, i was going to list off some things the "special" nobel prize could be awarded for, but i realized i would probably get yelled at again, not to mention the whole going to hell thing. so putting that aside, i was thinking we could make one called the NoDurrr Prize, and award it for special achievements (whether it be in science, peace, literature, etc) to special people. Not to be mistaken with the Darwin Awards, since that's just for normal everyday people doing extremely retarded things. oh, and i did hear about that ig nobel prize. i particularly like the one where they showed an mri (or cat scan?) of people fucking.
  13. should've just got a scholarship. GAWD, what are you, a buncha reetaahhhds? jaaaaaaaay kaaaaaaaaay i personally did a lot of work-study jobs at labs. running experiments, etc etc. that supplemented the scholarships and my part time job. between that and my sister's even better scholarship (they actually paid her like a 1100/quarter to go to OSU... mine only covered tuition) that usually covered that month's rent, utilities, food, books. the rest, we budgeted with credit cards, and were usually able to pay it off by the month after. it was tough sometimes, but on the other hand, we both had pretty good credit by the we were getting mortgages and car loans since we managed our bills and credit cards fairly well. oh, and my part time jobs consisted of working at blockbuster, and doing work for faculty.
  14. i'm either ridin' dirty at crow canyon or sleeping in. have fun fellers! the roads may be a bit wet and will def be cool, so take it easy out there.
  15. redkow is doing min 6's at beaver. i think he'd be the one doing the schooling.
  16. they should make a "special" Nobel prize, like the "special" olympics.
  17. from what i understand, it's a pretty short series of steps to go from anemic porker of an old 3 series wannabe to 4-door supra.
  18. do i smell a gigantic turbo in your future?
  19. i think i'm barely ahead of you, and not that this whole rep thing means anything anyway... technically, i was originally here some time in spring or summer of 2008, but my username got deleted so i re-registered in late 08/ early 09 i pretty much did the same intro thread twice, and i think the reference to a show called gaybot on youtube came up both times. i was proud to know that people consistently think of gay robots when introduced to me twice in the period of 6 or even more months apart.
  20. jbot


    well, i apologize if you or others were offended. i came from a poor family as well, but the old korean farm didnt have much of a gang violence problem or crack addicted babies problem, so maybe i'm unable to relate. if you feel it necessary, feel free to edit my comment. that said, i thought it was fairly obvious it was a joke, but i realize we are all sensitive to certain things. so for that, i am sorry.
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